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Forums - Gaming Discussion - lol.. manhunt2...

wow, Hillary has those leathery eye lines like grandma corpses have.

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The game also got lowsy reviews...

I played it all the way through (I didn't buy it). I don't think it was a terrible game but it definately had issues.

The game could have used a couple months more in development, mainly to tweek AI. I don't know how many times I watched enimies do mindbogglingly stupid things like run constatnly into walls and run in circles.

I think the sole purpose of the game was to showcase the gore and wii immersion. While it did fairly well on the last part, the blur effects really killed the gore factor and therefore limited the replay value considerably.

 I highly recommend that no one actually purchase this game. Teach Rockstar a lesson that we don't like rushed incomplete games even if they are gory/