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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

c03n3nj0 said:
Oh snap!

Sony better come back with something to make it interesting.

You can trust Sony to hit back with some serious bashing ;)

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Remember how Nintendo pioneered the use of Disc based media in consoles? Oh wait, they stayed with cartridges 5 years past their prime. Pretty sure Sony was the first to use DVD in the PS2, so is the Wii a ripoff?  Reportedly Sony shopped the PS1 to Nintendo and Nintendo told Sony they were crazy and should go away.  That worked out well for big N in the first and second generation of modern games huh?

Remember how Nintendo had an online gaming network that let you play with dozens of other gamers with unique usernames and voice chat? Oh, they still don't have that?

If by gameplay innovations they mean the innovation of remaking the same game from the 80s or early 90s 8 times and leaving 90% of it the same (see Mario kart, Smash bros, New Super Mario Bros etc) then yes, they do indeed own that innovation. I'll take the innovations of games with the scale of movies, interactive drama, customizable level creators and photo realistic graphics thank you very much.

saying that wall of 90% shovelware and retreads that is the Wii section of Best Buy is the innovative future of gaming is like me saying that movies like Twilight are the future of innovative cinema in the US. If thats true heaven help us.

The arrogance of Nintendo with their current slate of decided mediocrity when it comes to games is just maddening.

I'm going to of course catch flack for saying anything bad about Nintendo, but if the PR guy quoted can lead off with calling Sony an inferior copy machine it kind of sets the tone doesn't it?

  This Gen Little Big Planet, Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain have been as innovative as anything I've seen come from Nintendo in over a decade.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

I'd love to dig up some old Phil Harrison comments and say 'hang on a second - six months ago when we launched our controller you said one thing, and now why are you doing this?

Historically we're always developing new things. We know Sony have had a lot of issues with their rumble feature and they've had to withdraw it - because they didn't innovate, they copied.

I don't know what [Sony's] decision making process is but I think if you look back, any innovation that has come in gameplay has come from us,

With Nintendo, I'm trying to think of anything we've copied... but I can't," concluded Yarnton.


These are the words of the Nintendo PR without the inept comments.








Makes a change from simply saying they're flattered.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

They're right.

Sony copied:

1. The basic design of the SNES controller.
2. Then added analogue stick and rumble.
3. Achievements from Microsoft.
4. Wiimote from Nintendo.

Their innovations are as follows:

1. Making the startling leap of logic that a cd player ought to also play music/DVD drive play movies.
2. That two analogue sticks are better than one.
3. More technology is better than less technology.
4. An aggressive business model of price cuts to drive market share.
5. Something called an Eyetoy but they failed to do anything with it nor see any potential.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

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Lol, o Nintendo.

Everyone copies and everone innovates.
Nintendo are just as guilty of this not that it's a bad thing. Without it our choices would be limited and the industry would be stagnent.

It's about damn time Nintendo opened fire. This has gone on long enough. I love my Playstations, but historically, ANYTHING that they see working for somebody else, they make a version of it. I know everything is built off of something else, but damn! If Sega, Nintendo, or Microsoft bring it to the mainstream first, Sony is going to do it, too. It's ridiculous.

Sony vs Nintendo.

Round 1.


Twistedpixel said:
They're right.

Sony copied:

1. The basic design of the SNES controller.
2. Then added analogue stick and rumble.
3. Achievements from Microsoft.
4. Wiimote from Nintendo.

Their innovations are as follows:

1. Making the startling leap of logic that a cd player ought to also play music/DVD drive play movies.
2. That two analogue sticks are better than one.
3. More technology is better than less technology.
4. An aggressive business model of price cuts to drive market share.
5. Something called an Eyetoy but they failed to do anything with it nor see any potential.

  There's Blu Ray too, installing Linux on a console, having an open console that can use 3rd party parts (like any 2.5 hard drive can go into the PS3), Ethernet and Wifi out of the box, a console that also works as a DVR (just not in NA), Home, making a console that plays pretty much any type of media you can find (CDs, DVDs, Super audio CDs, Blu Ray, Divx files, MP4 files, MP3 files, AAC files etc etc).


 Seriously to call Sony uninovative is just silly.  In the last 30 years there have been very very few companies in the consumer electronics space more innovative then Sony.  Maybe they took this one idea from Nintendo, but its one of hundreds of good ideas that have come from Sony in the last 30 years.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me