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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario Sunshine vs. Super Mario Galaxy: which game is better?

I guess I will have to give Sunshine another chance. Spraying things with water wasn't the gameplay I was looking for.

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gamingdevil said:
SeriousWB said:
fkusumot said:
grandmaster192 said:
The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.
Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

It's disingenuous and intellectual fraud to properly compare the games when you haven't completed one of them.

Look at all the posts saying "I have 8 shines in Sunshine and..."

Wrong, if a game is SO awful (even if later it gets better) i couldn't stand it, i hated the controls i hated the FLUDD thing, so when i played for about an hour and realized it's not my thing i stopped wasting my time and returned to WW. How could i possibly finish a game when i wanted to destroy my GC while i was playing it? That's why i said IMO, because maybe others who played more of SMS liked it. I just stated my experience (even though it was brief) with SMS.

Ok this kind of talk just makes me think you never had the game, people have not liked the game sure, but wanted to destroy your GC after an hour? Far fetched much?  But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you hated it's controls then you must've hated Mario 64 controls, as they were incredibly similar with just the FLUDD added.  You sound like an open-minded person since you refer to playing WW, but pulled a complete 180 with SMS it seems.

"if a game is SO awful (even if later it gets better)"

That's just it, it's NOT so awful and is good all the way through IMO. I'm still baffled why you seem to have a burning hate for the game.

tk1989 said:
Ive nt played through SMG, but i wasnt a big fan of SMS. I found SMS too easy, and quite bland. It was different, ill give it that, no other mario game was really like it, but i found it wasnt their best work. Im not saying it was a bad game, it wasnt, it was good, but i didnt think it was great.

Maybe the difficulty thing is just due to the fact that im now a more experienced gamer. When i first played through SM64 i was only 9 or 10, and due to that it was very difficult, i never got past 100 stars (if i remember correctly); then when i went to play SMS i was expecting it to be similar and was very dissapointed as i finished it completely in a short period of time. Due to this, my view is probably biased, but leads me on to another question... How difficult is SMG?

 Sunshine was actually made more difficult as a result of the retro platforming stages which were the most challenging stages I have come accross in any video game.  Galaxy is in general quite easy (I have almost 60 stars in a much much shorter time than it took me to get an equal number in SM64 and Sunshine.  I think Nintendo deliberately made the came slightly easy so as not to put off casuals.  Same thing with New Super Mario Bros which seems much much easier than Super Mario World (the previous 2D Mario game).  However, easy or not Galaxy is a really amazing game and infinitely better than Sunshine.  

fkusumot said:
grandmaster192 said:
The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.
Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

It's disingenuous and intellectual fraud to properly compare the games when you haven't completed one of them.

 You certainly don't need to complete a game to tell whether it is good or bad.  All you need is to have spent a considerable amount of time on it.  As with flkusumot I have not yet completed Galaxy but it is already clear that it is a much better game than Sunshine.  Unless from star 47 onwards there was an amzingly sharp drop in quality in Galaxy collecting 47 stars would be more than enough gameplay for you to be able to tell if you prefer it to Sunshine or not even if you had collected 120 stars in Sunshine or collected only 47. 

Why do I get the feeling that grandmaster192 has an axe to grind?

Treating the topic as a legitamite one and not some underhanded attempt to underplay the awesomeness of Galaxy I'll add my 2 cents.

I've only collected about 8 stars in Galaxy but can already say without a doubt that I like it more in almost every category than Sunshine.

The character design is better (not hard as Sunshine had some of the most annoying I've encountered).

The art is a mile or 2 ahead, in fact I'd have no gripes with all future Marios being set in space, it just gives it an amazing atmosphere and gives the devs so much freedom to persue any idea, nomatter how crazy.

Level design in Galaxy is just so origional and imaginitive that it puts pretty much any game out there to shame, not just Sunshine.

The music is seriously the best I've heard in any game ever, I've actually cranked up the volume to neighbour aggrivating levels.

I could go on but I think you get my thoughts. Simply put it makes me feel giddy like a kid when I'm playing at a time when I'm admittedly becoming a little jaded towards games in general.

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.

Around the Network
SeriousWB said:
gamingdevil said:
SeriousWB said:
fkusumot said:
grandmaster192 said:
The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.
Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

It's disingenuous and intellectual fraud to properly compare the games when you haven't completed one of them.

Look at all the posts saying "I have 8 shines in Sunshine and..."

Wrong, if a game is SO awful (even if later it gets better) i couldn't stand it, i hated the controls i hated the FLUDD thing, so when i played for about an hour and realized it's not my thing i stopped wasting my time and returned to WW. How could i possibly finish a game when i wanted to destroy my GC while i was playing it? That's why i said IMO, because maybe others who played more of SMS liked it. I just stated my experience (even though it was brief) with SMS.

Ok this kind of talk just makes me think you never had the game, people have not liked the game sure, but wanted to destroy your GC after an hour? Far fetched much? But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you hated it's controls then you must've hated Mario 64 controls, as they were incredibly similar with just the FLUDD added. You sound like an open-minded person since you refer to playing WW, but pulled a complete 180 with SMS it seems.

"if a game is SO awful (even if later it gets better)"

That's just it, it's NOT so awful and is good all the way through IMO. I'm still baffled why you seem to have a burning hate for the game.

I really tried to like the game, btw this is my second copy as a bought it again (after selling it lol) and i tried to play it on my Wii because Neos told me it was good and maybe i should give it another chance (i hate you btw Tom!) so i tried again but, after about an hour i told myself "Why are you doing this?" and the next minute it was out again. And you're right about SM64, at that time i didn't had a N64 i had a PS1 and i tried this game on DS. Again, hated the controls but i loved the fact that there was no FLUDD and that there was variety between the levels.

Btw, why do i sound like an open-minded person with my WW reference? Isn't it logical to play a fantastic game? (My only gripe was the repetitive travelling but i could live with it) :/  

I loved SMG alot more than sunshine. I only had to finish the first galaxy to see how awesome this game is. I want a wii for this very game but playing sunshine never made me want a gamecube (that was RE4 and Tales).


@gamingdevil - I said open minded because WW is shunned for being different from the rest of its series just as Sunshine is.

You should see how you like the non-FLUDD levels in Sunshine, they are absolutely amazing and seemingly influenced some of Galaxy's. In my opinion the levels weren't completely samey, I mean most had water in them but they played differently (to me anyway).

Why do I get the feeling that grandmaster192 has an axe to grind?
What the hell are you talking about?

grandmaster192 said:
Why do I get the feeling that grandmaster192 has an axe to grind?
What the hell are you talking about?

"an axe to grind"

You have "an axe to grind" with someone when you are angry with that person and you plan to confront them. Example: "Tell your brother that I have an axe to grind with him!" Saying you have "an axe to grind" expresses that you are angry with that person and will have a heated discussion with them. Example: "I have an axe to grind with you." Answer: "Oh no; what did I do wrong?" When you are angry with someone and you plan to communicate your anger to them you have an axe to grind with that person.

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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

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Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

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