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Why do I get the feeling that grandmaster192 has an axe to grind?

Treating the topic as a legitamite one and not some underhanded attempt to underplay the awesomeness of Galaxy I'll add my 2 cents.

I've only collected about 8 stars in Galaxy but can already say without a doubt that I like it more in almost every category than Sunshine.

The character design is better (not hard as Sunshine had some of the most annoying I've encountered).

The art is a mile or 2 ahead, in fact I'd have no gripes with all future Marios being set in space, it just gives it an amazing atmosphere and gives the devs so much freedom to persue any idea, nomatter how crazy.

Level design in Galaxy is just so origional and imaginitive that it puts pretty much any game out there to shame, not just Sunshine.

The music is seriously the best I've heard in any game ever, I've actually cranked up the volume to neighbour aggrivating levels.

I could go on but I think you get my thoughts. Simply put it makes me feel giddy like a kid when I'm playing at a time when I'm admittedly becoming a little jaded towards games in general.

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.