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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario Sunshine vs. Super Mario Galaxy: which game is better?

I would like to hear some opinions. What game do you guys think is better? Please, give me a real opinion. Don't just pick Galaxy because of review scores. Based on what you have played so far, what game is better out of the two? Super Mario Sunshine―the greatest 3d platformer of all-time―is the better game. First of, in my opinion, the level designs in sunshine where better than the ones in Galaxly. Furthermore, the game was more challenging, offering better boss fights and clever traps. The platforming in Sunshine was also more fun. Plus, the overall gameplay was alot deeper, as the controls where more complex and had more depth.

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I haven't played both, but I will pick up SMG tomorrow (If promised store can get them in!) SMG appeals to me more then that stupid water thing Mario flies around on to clean paint.

I haven't finished SMG yet.

Huge possibility that I love SMG more.

I've never played Sunshine. I have 15 stars so far in Galaxy and its been fun so far. I like the Galaxies and all but I hope they go back to huge open worlds in the next Mario game. I like that they've tried something different so I would be open for them to take a chance again. I don't know. I guess rather than have so many Galaxies, I would have been happier if there were 10 big ones and maybe a couple secret smaller ones.



I havent played Sunshine, but I like Galaxy better than 64. Its just fun with the physics and the bossfights (even though a bit easy)

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I hope its better than sunshine because it disappointed me quite a bit. The fludd stuff just didnt do it for me. Every thing I have heard and seen of galaxy, has me pumped for it.

Im sure some ppl will like sunshine better, but will be the extreme minority.


misteromar mk4 said:
I hope its better than sunshine because it disappointed me quite a bit. The fludd stuff just didnt do it for me. Every thing I have heard and seen of galaxy, has me pumped for it.

Im sure some ppl will like sunshine better, but will be the extreme minority.

That isn't true. There are alot of people that actually care about Gameplay, and those people will like Sunshine better.

I really liked Sunshine, just as much as Mario 64. The only flaw was the monotonous tropical island theme.
That said, SMS pales a bit right now as I'm playing SMG. Sunshine was more laid back, Galaxy is intense. There's much more variety and innovation in SMG.
On the other hand, Sunshine was more of an exploration game, while Galaxy is pretty linear.
Controls and level designs are flawless in both games.

Edit: Saying that SMG has no good gameplay is ridiculous.


Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 

Not even close. Sunshine is the worse Mario game...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

ckmlb said:
Not even close. Sunshine is the worse Mario game...

Ok ok I was not a huge fan of Sunshine but the worst Mario?

Are ya serious?