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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you rush to beat the final boss or...

mess around doing side quests and such and find all the hidden treasures before advancing to the final battle?

Normally, I hang around a little longer before doing that final battle (if, assuming I know that is the final battle).

But lately, I find myself more and more into finishing the games as fast as I could so i could move on to the next one due to the humongous list of backlog titles.

Which one are you? 

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I mess around doing side-quests, it's really bad though, for example I killed the last boss on FFX in 1 hit with 99,999 damage.

At least when it comes to RPGs, I often get so involved with doing things other things that I often don't actually beat the games before they stop being fun. But hey, the point is to have fun, and I'd simply have less of that if I were trying to plow through to the end anyway.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Never rush through ANY game.

The fun is in the exploration and journey.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



yes and not.

I dont like to kill montser to reach 99 lvl and maxout all my character but I like to make side quest (at least the ones I succeed to found).

So I dont rush to final boss but I dont try to have the game completed at 100%
... 99.99% is sufficient ^^

Time to Work !

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i tend to do every side-quest and grind till i reach lvl 99

It depends on the game really.

The last time I finished a jRPG was FF7 around ten years ago, and I didn't bother with all the super secret extra bosses.

I beat Twilight Princess with less than maximum hearts and other stuff, but that's probably because I played it through in like five days, and have been regularly coming back to get the last few collectibles.

I refuse to beat Okami without getting every single stray bead, which is pretty much the only reason I haven't managed to beat it yet, despite been able to go for the final boss for absolutely forever already.

In proper wRPGs like Baldur's Gate I usually get pretty much every there's to get, but remember skipping quite a bit of that stuff in Fallout and Avernum 3.

Conclusion: I dunno, mostly?

johnlucas said:

Never rush through ANY game.

The fun is in the exploration and journey.

John Lucas

I agree with this 100%.

I want to enjoy every part of the game. I want to see everything and do everything I can.

For example, I'm one of those people that got all 13 endings in Chrono Trigger.

I'm usually guilty of rushing. Side-quests, different endings, and such just don't interest me much.

But then, maybe I was just spoiled as a teen playing the Infinity Engine games, which had the best side-quests ever...

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



johnlucas said:

Never rush through ANY game.

The fun is in the exploration and journey.

John Lucas


I like to savour a game - explore every nook and cranny. Usually, the more I explore - the more I like the game.

FFX for instance - I couldn't be bothered, and was quite happy once the game was over (had enough). 


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