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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why sony failed to deliver with the PS3

If you didn't skim this just to get the gist, but instead read the entire post thoroughly, you had better be new to the site. If you're a regular, you should be ashamed. I was four sentences in before I could effectively have read the entire post to you verbatim.">">

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why do posts like this keep being made? it's the same thing over and over again. we have heard it before, ok? Price, blu-ray, arrogance, blah blah...let's move on please. That is my humble opinion.

bbsin said:
Rath said:
jjseth said:
Nice troll thread here.

The PS3 hasn't "Failed" to deliver by any means. It obviously hasn't had the sales of the Wii, but then again it's not a 1/4 step up from previous generation graphics and power with only a new fancy remote at $250. Someone who is strapped for money and cannot justify spending 5 or 600 on a console will settle or choose the lower priced alternative.

As the price of the PS3 goes down, sales will increase and we have seen that so far in the last half of this year with the price drops. Also with better games coming out, it will just continue to get better.

The PS3 has failed to deliver by the most basic measures. Sales, profit, games.

Then the PS2 also failed to deliver by the most basic measures.


Sales = 2 times cheaper than PS3 with only 2 million more sold given same release + less competition.

Profit = Hardware profit was never Sony's plan, they get most the profit from royalties which took awhile for the PS2 to turn

Games = PS2 early games: Fantavision, SSX, Summoner, Tekken Tag, Ridge racer. Anticipated MGS2 took a little more than a full year to get released but sleeper hits such as DMC and GTA3 sold PS2s.


Sales = 2 times more expensive than PS2 selling @ 2 million units lower given the fact that the competition is more fierce

Profit = Gaming division losing alot of money due to hardware manufacturing (same as previous gens)

Games = PS3 early games: Resistance, Motorstorm, Genji, Ridge Racer. Anticipated MGS4 is slated to be released a year + a quarter after launch. Sleeper hits, who won't know until we see one.

All in all, I don't see much difference. You can't really call something a failure untill it's all said and done, and we have long ways to go before we get to that point.


 According to this site the PS2 sold 4 Million consoles in Japan between its launch (March 5th 2000) and a year later (March 4th 2001). Along with the fact that its launch was far more staggered than that of the PS3 it also had problems with supply, something the PS3 has never suffered from.

My point with games wasnt that it has had a dissapointing launch array (which it has, but so did the Wii, 360 and damned near every other console. I hate launchitis) but rather that several of the great exclusives it built up over the last two gens of domination have lost there exclusivity or moved to other consoles entirely.

Oh and I did mention in my original post that they always lose money on hardware to start with, Nintendo is the only one that doesnt go with that strategy.


Oh and I agree with everybody else that this post was pretty much identicle to a jazillion before it. 

leo-j said:
They failed to deliver because it was $599.99 thats it SHUT da Hell up already with the bashing.

The price is why they failed to have a great year.


Exactly!!  Had they waited for games to finish, we would be launching this year with a ton but the price would not be as low as it is. It would still have launched at its 599 price point. Sure they may have done some things differently, but if M$ had waited a little longer, maybe they wouldnt have a 40% defect rate on there consoles. I still think that there sales are vastly exaderated due to people buying more than one console due to failure. But I digress. Bottom line is that Price is a HUGE issue regarding anything. The lower the prices go on HDTVs, the more people buy them. Same goes for DVD players, BD players and game consoles. The Wii offers BC a newer control design and a decent price point. It obviously isnt selling because of the games.

LOL smg flop tour is causing some demage controll amoung nintendo fans eh

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NightStalker said:
why do posts like this keep being made? it's the same thing over and over again. we have heard it before, ok? Price, blu-ray, arrogance, blah blah...let's move on please. That is my humble opinion.

 Because new people come to the site and they haven't participated in all those old threads.

Apparently, a lot of old timers can't deal with new people showing up late to the discussion. They roll their eyes and get snarky with a know-it-all attitude. And nofosu has taken it like a champ.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Banprest3 said:
LOL R&C flop tour is causing some demage controll amoung sony fans eh



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I think a lot of people who came in here probably just read the thread title, and rushed to the PS3's defence, when in actuality there was no bashing at all. I stated a few reasons why i believe it did not take the world by storm, (price etc) as a little intro. Then stated i thouht sony were a very creative company, and we did not see how creative they are or could have been, because of trying to out muscle Microsoft. Well obviously, i must have conveyed that message wrong, due to a lot of peoples reaction. I know a lot of you have passion for games and the industry as a whole (i mean what else could be the reason?). But its a bit disapointing some of you never even read what i wrote, just came in here for war.

its plain and simple, at first sony bring out the ps3 at a price everyone hates, then came the wii a price appealing to the mass public. The negative image already been set because of the high pricing strategy, this attribute making the Wii as a trend as a must've console to the general public. This is very similair to the success of IPOD but I'm not comparing this to it, just a similair example. Once the chain reaction starts its hard to reverse the effect. in my own opinion Sony make a big mistake fighting two war at once, and force their new machine at such a price. if they have just make a slight update to the ps2 brand and price it at 300-400 range, sony would've easily continue their dominance on this generation.

ClaudeLv250 said:
Banprest3 said:
LOL R&C flop tour is causing some demage controll amoung sony fans eh



The other guy got banned and you went ahead and did the same thing...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!