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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why sony failed to deliver with the PS3

ssj12 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"

 thats exactly what I got out of the post. Games between the PSN and Retail they have over 130 games. Launch they had like 25 including PSN titles. 


Leo is actually correct. Sony major fault was the price. Blu-ray isnt even a point becasue of you notice transitions

PS1 CD -> PS2 DVD -> PS3 Blu-ray -> PS4 Holo Disc 

 But isn't blue-ray one of the things making the PS3 too  expensive? Put it this way, had they actually realsed blue ray players a good year b4 ps3, wouldn't the cost of the components fall, thus dramatically reduce the cost of putting together a ps3,inturn selling it a a more affordable price? when PS1 had come out, Cd,'s were already out and established to some point, same goes for the PS2, and Dvd's. Infact sony have just proven, that you cannot you a video games console to push a format, i bolded games because ultimately in the games industry thats whats all about.


Around the Network

Sony was developing an advanced console. They were also trying to push Blu-Ray
They used the same formula they used when making the successful PS2.
Microsoft convinces toshiba to keep hd-dvd and create direct competition for blu-ray

With blu-ray costing much more, sony had no choice but to release the PS3 to combat HD-DVD's lead, because unlike the console war, too much of a head start would have ended blu-rays chances.

Microsoft rushes Xbox360 out the door(with poor hardware initially) to build up install base. Since the PS3 is the new hardware, with a lower install base Microsoft tells devs they will make more money, in less time, plus Microsoft will give them a bit extra if they make certain games exclusives.

The PS3 releases at a huge cost, limited time to make dev kits, without Home or rumble, without in-game XMB. Add on to that the production mistakes made so supply of the PS3 was extremely limited, and you understand whats happened to Sony.

Microsoft single-handedly did this to Sony. They played their cards perfectly, and are still reaping the benefits. Microsoft knew they had to do something, because Sony has the brand name, and the more advanced console. Don't apply arrogance to this, when comparing a company to Microsoft. It has nothing to do with that. Sony could be as arrogant as they wanted, if they couldve had a couple million PS3's priced at $399 or lower at launch.

Really, does anyone think Microsoft's interest in HD-DVD was random? They are battling Sony on purpose, and it has worked very well.

Jandre02 said:
Sony was developing an advanced console. They were also trying to push Blu-Ray
They used the same formula they used when making the successful PS2.
Microsoft convinces toshiba to keep hd-dvd and create direct competition for blu-ray

With blu-ray costing much more, sony had no choice but to release the PS3 to combat HD-DVD's lead, because unlike the console war, too much of a head start would have ended blu-rays chances.

Microsoft rushes Xbox360 out the door(with poor hardware initially) to build up install base. Since the PS3 is the new hardware, with a lower install base Microsoft tells devs they will make more money, in less time, plus Microsoft will give them a bit extra if they make certain games exclusives.

The PS3 releases at a huge cost, limited time to make dev kits, without Home or rumble, without in-game XMB. Add on to that the production mistakes made so supply of the PS3 was extremely limited, and you understand whats happened to Sony.

Microsoft single-handedly did this to Sony. They played their cards perfectly, and are still reaping the benefits. Microsoft knew they had to do something, because Sony has the brand name, and the more advanced console. Don't apply arrogance to this, when comparing a company to Microsoft. It has nothing to do with that. Sony could be as arrogant as they wanted, if they couldve had a couple million PS3's priced at $399 or lower at launch.

Really, does anyone think Microsoft's interest in HD-DVD was random? They are battling Sony on purpose, and it has worked very well.

 I didn't actually use arrogance as a rason why  the Ps3 was selling bad, i simply stated it contributed to the bad press they were recieving. I also stated that Price which goes hand in hand with Blu-ray, were why PS3's were not flying of shelvs

Jandre02 said:
Sony was developing an advanced console. They were also trying to push Blu-Ray
They used the same formula they used when making the successful PS2.
Microsoft convinces toshiba to keep hd-dvd and create direct competition for blu-ray

With blu-ray costing much more, sony had no choice but to release the PS3 to combat HD-DVD's lead, because unlike the console war, too much of a head start would have ended blu-rays chances.

Microsoft rushes Xbox360 out the door(with poor hardware initially) to build up install base. Since the PS3 is the new hardware, with a lower install base Microsoft tells devs they will make more money, in less time, plus Microsoft will give them a bit extra if they make certain games exclusives.

The PS3 releases at a huge cost, limited time to make dev kits, without Home or rumble, without in-game XMB. Add on to that the production mistakes made so supply of the PS3 was extremely limited, and you understand whats happened to Sony.

Microsoft single-handedly did this to Sony. They played their cards perfectly, and are still reaping the benefits. Microsoft knew they had to do something, because Sony has the brand name, and the more advanced console. Don't apply arrogance to this, when comparing a company to Microsoft. It has nothing to do with that. Sony could be as arrogant as they wanted, if they couldve had a couple million PS3's priced at $399 or lower at launch.

Really, does anyone think Microsoft's interest in HD-DVD was random? They are battling Sony on purpose, and it has worked very well.

I think your facts are kind-of wonky ...

Microsoft didn't convince Toshiba to go forward with HD-DVD. The DVD forum (the people in charge of the DVD format, chaired by Toshiba) completed their specifications for the HD-DVD format back in 2005 and were ready to release players when Sony approached them in an "attempt" to prevent a format war; for months Sony delayed the DVD forum from releasing their HD-DVD players mainly so they could complete the Blu-Ray specifications and not be a year (or more) behind HD-DVD. This is one of the reasons why HD-DVD players are so much cheaper than Blu-Ray players.


ssj12 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"

thats exactly what I got out of the post. Games between the PSN and Retail they have over 130 games. Launch they had like 25 including PSN titles.


Leo is actually correct. Sony major fault was the price. Blu-ray isnt even a point becasue of you notice transitions

PS1 CD -> PS2 DVD -> PS3 Blu-ray -> PS4 Holo Disc

Fool PCD's are the next wave! Holodisks are woefully outdated by them and neither is out yet!

Around the Network

I think Sony's biggest fault was trying to beat Microsoft at their own game. Before MS came along, Sony made their consoles cheap, they weren't top of the line, but they were cheap and they made a lot of games.

This time, they felt rather than doing their own thing which was so successful for the PS1 and PS2, they felt they had to compete with Microsoft in the MHz race. They put as much processing power and extra features into their console as they could, to the point where it cost way too much and alienated the people who just wanted to play games.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

They failed to deliver because some moron took down my address wrong and it ended up going to the wrong house.

That's my theory

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

My theory is that Sony doesn't have what it takes to be in this battle. Seriously, they're doing blunder after blunder, it's almost too easy for their competitors so far... There have been times when there was a light in the end of the tunnel for the PS3, but pretty soon they always went back to shooting their own feet.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

That's pretty much it Montana. Hindsight is 20/20. You can always say you would have done something and it would have turned out better, but you never see that's truly going to happen until it's passed.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

Basically they screwed over all there ps2 fan-base by forcing them to buy a blu-ray player people dont want or need. If they had of left out blu-ray, how much would the ps3 cost? At a lower price it would have had much better chance of success.

They decided to be dogs and force a expensive unneeded technology on customers and they got what they deserve, a massive phail.