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ssj12 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"

 thats exactly what I got out of the post. Games between the PSN and Retail they have over 130 games. Launch they had like 25 including PSN titles. 


Leo is actually correct. Sony major fault was the price. Blu-ray isnt even a point becasue of you notice transitions

PS1 CD -> PS2 DVD -> PS3 Blu-ray -> PS4 Holo Disc 

 But isn't blue-ray one of the things making the PS3 too  expensive? Put it this way, had they actually realsed blue ray players a good year b4 ps3, wouldn't the cost of the components fall, thus dramatically reduce the cost of putting together a ps3,inturn selling it a a more affordable price? when PS1 had come out, Cd,'s were already out and established to some point, same goes for the PS2, and Dvd's. Infact sony have just proven, that you cannot you a video games console to push a format, i bolded games because ultimately in the games industry thats whats all about.