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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why sony failed to deliver with the PS3

(Seems some people think this is a post bashing the ps3, it is not, there is no bashing at all, pls just skim it if you find it too long, and make a coment, don't judge it b4 u read it, if you do not agree simply stat so and a little brief description on why.)

Sony had a very bad starting period with the lead up to the launch of the PS3, and was working against a tirade of bad press, which is hard for any company to get past. Though a lot of it was unfair, some of it was Sony’s fault:- 

-Arrogance (I guess it’s a bit hard not to be when you have been whooping your competition for the last 10 years)

-Pricing (Part of the ingredients that proved detrimental to the PS3’s sales)

- Using a Gaming console to push a new format (another part of the ingredients to the above bracketed Comments)

-Business strategy (instead of trying to sell a product, they should have tried to provide a service to us as gamers, this is supposed to be the entertainment)


But as of E3 it seemed they were changing in how they were presenting them selves and their products. Last E3 we saw a more humble company. I wonder what would have happened if they held of, and launched the ps3, later on, like this holiday season (October, Worldwide). 

They could have got all the kinks worked out of the system, released it for 299(dollars and Euro), had quality launch titles, Lair Heavenly sword, Uncharted, Ratchet, Folklore etc… Lets face it, launch titles, are not looked upon with as much criticism by the public (look at red steel), as later titles in the consoles life. They could have easily hit, between 4-7 mil hardware units sold by the end of the year (which is what they would be doing anyway), because it would be the new gadget on the block, possibly taking some wind out of the Wii’s sales. Come march they would have mgs4 being released, their big flagship title. Now I know what you are thinking, “but they would be a long way behind Nintendo and Microsoft”. Well they stated they were not in competition with the Wii, so that would not really matter, and as for Microsoft, if Nintendo had over taken them in 8-9 months of their hardware release, then overtaking or catching them within a year or 2 would not be impossible. 

Sony has some very talented people working for them, but they fell into Microsoft’s trap, with the whole bigger and powerful strategy, and blueray should have never been one of their main selling points. When I look at their new eyetoy, and that eye of judgment game, I see so much potential there, and I mean as much as the Wii remote. They should have included that with every system, and made that a integral part of the PS3. They could have made a very cool GUI that worked like the one in Minority report (yeah I know, I have a large imagination), or something close to that. Using their talent to innovate and create fun games using both the camera and the control pad, given time developers would start utilising the camera in way’s people never dreamed of. Consumers would be very interested in how they were utilising its tech, and probably would have helped drive sales


The truth is I am no fanboy of sony or any other company, simply put I am a fan of gaming (a Gaming Purist), Sony were Leaders in the industry and they took that for granted. When they released the PS1 they made things easier, and cheaper for developers, thus more games were created, that’s what helped. Also they used to have some really cool commercials as well (do you remember this commercial, was one of my favourites game commercials of all time). The game industry need to innovate, and make games more accessible. I know a lot of people seem to think accessible, meaning easier and 

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This is new.

A gigantic article lambasting the PS3.

Oh joy.



They failed to deliver because it was $599.99 thats it SHUT da Hell up already with the bashing.

The price is why they failed to have a great year.




so You obviusly did not read it, but just judged it to be a article bashing the PS3, give it a read my friend it far from it

Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"



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MontanaHatchet said:
Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"

 Thats not what i was trying to say, but, if thats what you got from that then hey, to each his own, Thanks for the reply

leo-j said:
They failed to deliver because it was $599.99 thats it SHUT da Hell up already with the bashing.

The price is why they failed to have a great year.


And it will sell better since it dropped its price because....

Maybe the Wii will sell better because it has a larger name now than the PS3.

Brand name also contributes a lot.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Well, Sony try to use the gamers to push two new technologies, but they forgot that the market (yeah, I'm talking about those millions of PS2 and PS buyers) usually is not after this stuff...

They want a cheap console with great games thats all...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
nofosu said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"

 Thats not what i was trying to say, but, if thats what you got from that then hey, to each his own, Thanks for the reply


I have never seen someone react so calmly. 


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

nofosu said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Here's the idea I got from skimming:

"Sony did this, and that was dumb, and me, as the genius, think they should have done this!"

Thats not what i was trying to say, but, if thats what you got from that then hey, to each his own, Thanks for the reply

 Lucky you.

You are graced with my input!!!

If I couldn't be me, I so wish I could be you right now.