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Forums - Gaming Discussion - looks like nintendo has a good start to 08

Ugh...I have a such a love/hate relationship with flame bait posts :)

All three consoles are going to have plenty to offer this coming year.

And Legend11, did your father get killed by a Nintendo truck? Or maybe your sister was raped by Miyamoto? I just can't understand such disdain for a's silly, really.

My End of 2008 Hardware Predictions (console only):

Wii : 50 million

360: 28 million

PS3: 24 million

These predictions were made on January 3rd and won't be revised


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rocketpig said:
omgwtfbbq said:
rocketpig said:
I'll take LittleBigPlanet, SC: Conviction, Lost Odyssey, and DMC4 over SSBB, no matter how good it is.

Good for you. I'll take SSBB over all four of those games.

Good thing we have our respective consoles then =)

Yep. But you can't say that any of them will be suffering through a drought in Q1 2008.

This I believe is a good summary of this topic.  No one has a draught in early 08.  Nintendo has Brawl early for the Wii.  Sony and Microsoft have the 4 awesome games above, and Mario Kart should be along not too far after Brawl.  08 should be a good year for everyone.  Stop looking for ways to attack the other consoles.

cringer8 said:
Ugh...I have a such a love/hate relationship with flame bait posts :)

All three consoles are going to have plenty to offer this coming year.

And Legend11, did your father get killed by a Nintendo truck? Or maybe your sister was raped by Miyamoto? I just can't understand such disdain for a's silly, really.

Legend certainly has his inflammatory lapses -- most of which he is apologetic about afterwards -- but I don't see anything unfair here. He said that it's silly to suggest the the 360 or PS3 has a drought early in 08 (which it is, I think, as has been shown in this thread) and that he doesn't particularly like the Mario franchise.

Is that so bad? Seems fine to me.">">

Bodhesatva said:
cringer8 said:
Ugh...I have a such a love/hate relationship with flame bait posts :)

All three consoles are going to have plenty to offer this coming year.

And Legend11, did your father get killed by a Nintendo truck? Or maybe your sister was raped by Miyamoto? I just can't understand such disdain for a's silly, really.

Legend certainly has his inflammatory lapses -- most of which he is apologetic about afterwards -- but I don't see anything unfair here. He said that it's silly to suggest the the 360 or PS3 has a drought early in 08 (which it is, I think, as has been shown in this thread) and that he doesn't particularly like the Mario franchise.

Is that so bad? Seems fine to me.

I think he might have been referring to the "expert in droughts" comment, which was clearly one of the more fanboyish things said in this thread.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Don't forget GT5 prologue and possibly Tekken 6 for the PS3.




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Even though i'll have a video game hangover thanks too all the high quality games coming out this year on the ps3, wii, 360, ds, and psp, there are many games i'm looking forward to next quarter on all platforms, not just the wii.

Anyone feel like doing a decent comparison of the most important games coming out next year? For me 2008 is all about Brawl, and I'm curious as to how MGS4 and GTA4 will turn out to be, but there should be lots of other great games coming out that I haven't been following much. The gaping hole in my gaming knowledge is gnawing at my heart! ;____;

Parokki said:
Anyone feel like doing a decent comparison of the most important games coming out next year? For me 2008 is all about Brawl, and I'm curious as to how MGS4 and GTA4 will turn out to be, but there should be lots of other great games coming out that I haven't been following much. The gaping hole in my gaming knowledge is gnawing at my heart! ;____;

 Brawl > consoles

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


No More Heroes
Super Smash Bros
Mario Kart

Japan will get some RPG love with Tales of Symphonia 2 and Furai no Shiren 3 and probably even more.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Neos said:
Parokki said:
Anyone feel like doing a decent comparison of the most important games coming out next year? For me 2008 is all about Brawl, and I'm curious as to how MGS4 and GTA4 will turn out to be, but there should be lots of other great games coming out that I haven't been following much. The gaping hole in my gaming knowledge is gnawing at my heart! ;____;

Brawl > consoles

Oh I'm definitely looking forward to Brawl more than any other game I know off. It's just that not having a good picture of what's coming out after it is making me feel stupid on a site like this. =P