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Bodhesatva said:
cringer8 said:
Ugh...I have a such a love/hate relationship with flame bait posts :)

All three consoles are going to have plenty to offer this coming year.

And Legend11, did your father get killed by a Nintendo truck? Or maybe your sister was raped by Miyamoto? I just can't understand such disdain for a's silly, really.

Legend certainly has his inflammatory lapses -- most of which he is apologetic about afterwards -- but I don't see anything unfair here. He said that it's silly to suggest the the 360 or PS3 has a drought early in 08 (which it is, I think, as has been shown in this thread) and that he doesn't particularly like the Mario franchise.

Is that so bad? Seems fine to me.

I think he might have been referring to the "expert in droughts" comment, which was clearly one of the more fanboyish things said in this thread.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"