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Forums - Sales Discussion - Super Mario Galaxy sells ~70,000 in first week IN THE UK !!

@Just Ben: I doubt it too. I was pointing out only the possibility.
I see it having real possibility to outsell last week in 3 weeks this year, which are this week (depending what the demand is) and the 2 weeks before christmas (weeks 50 and 51).

Would you like to guess, that how much Europe was supplied with SMG, by that 70k UK number? Could 250k be too high?

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I have no idea if it was sold out over the weekend around where I live (Portsmouth HANTS) but I went to pick it up early Friday and there were of course plenty of copies left (though they had two stacks in a glass case and one stack was noticeably shorter than the other quite shortly after opening) and I did not see a point in checking stores over the weekend in the cold when I could be playing it in the warm.

I also saw more Tuesday evening when shopping at Asda so if there was a supply issue over the weekend it might be better now.

Also, to Rocketpig (I believe) who was saying that Nintendo should have had more copies on hand to replenish sold out stores I would say that I would normally agree with you but it launched on Friday so by the time the stores ordered more it would have been the weekend which might affect further deliveries until the following week.

Anyway, with regular software sales for the UK now (thanks Ioi) we will see next week if it is underperforming in the UK like it did in Japan (I would not call a game that probably broke even in its first week or two in one country a flop, although it selling less than half what retailers ordered and thus thought it could potentially sell definitely is underperforming).

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