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Forums - Sales Discussion - Super Mario Galaxy sells ~70,000 in first week IN THE UK !!

As I said, I'm just trying to keep the facts straight here. I don't think 3 or 4 days makes much of a difference. The point is that SMG is selling fine and no excuses are necessary as far as I can see. The game is selling out, and pushing hardware, that should be enough for the first week.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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@ NJ5

Wholeheartedly agree, it doesn't need an excuse. But there were excuses aplenty about why the game sold what it sold as I said in my first post.

dmeister.. i've been reading your posts, let me know if i understand this correctly, you are basically just pointing out that there are excuses being made in this thread, but you don't care if they are logical or reasonable?

EDIT: hahah.. and the last post you made cleared it up.. never mind :P

Well, I hope that this can outsell MP8. Please, if Wii owners have any soul.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.


kamil said:
@Just_Ben: Actually chartTrack UK chart and their numbers came first.

@takunda: You can't get figures right now.

@I LOVE GIGGS: It's 120k in second week. 290k is total. And it won't hit 2 million in UK, there even arent that many Xbox 360. Hovewer CoD4 relativly sold better in UK than in US.

Sorry, but where do you see it?

He postet yesterday UK time 22 O'clock. Do you find any reference to charttrack data before that time?

GI news was later (8 a clock today, British summer time).

Can't believe Chart track releases their sales at night. So please come up with an article press release to verify your statement.

Where do I see it? I have read it yeasterday about an hour before ioi posted his numbers. I don't know where you get the idea that chartTrack is posting at night, it was of course posted yesterday. If you don't belive me go to this thread:
The first, my post was of course edited, so UK chart isn't from 17th but you can look at Saiyar's post where he gave links to UK chart (posted 11/19/07, 20:09) and lombard's, where he gave comments from chart track (posted 11/19/07, 20:33) (this comment contain the same information which is on posted by your). Ioi posted his numbers on 11/19/07, 21:50 in the very same thread. This thread was posted 17 minutes later.

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Mario sales are so weak (realtive to the reviews)

I wonder if the reviews it's been getting will drive more 'hardcore' gamers to pick up a wii?

Surely the weak sales are driven by the unusual user base the wii has at the moment.

outlawauron said:
Well, I hope that this can outsell MP8. Please, if Wii owners have any soul.

Wii owners aren't soulless, they just have bad taste!

Seriously, Wii is a casual party machine. I know two hardcore gamers who own it, and both guessed it...Mario Party 8. Why haven't they purchased Metroid Prime 3 or Super Mario Galaxy? Because they also have 360s (and a PS3 in one case) so all of their 1-player gaming budget goes to those.

Then you've got the moms and the old folks' homes and the hospitals buying these know it ain't for Metroid.

This is what happens when you're #1. The fact is, hardcore gamers are a minority, and to the non-hardcore gamer Mario Party is as good as Mario Kart is as good as Mario Tennis is as good as Galaxy. (In fact, the rest are probably better than Galaxy since they're fun at parties).

Something that people need to realize is that so called "Franchise revivals" usually end up selling less than their hated predecessors.

*Looks at Tekken 5 and Resident Evil 4*




ckmlb said:
First excuses were made for Galaxy sales in Japan, now they're being made for Europe...

but it was only released for 2 days

couchmonkey said:
outlawauron said:
Well, I hope that this can outsell MP8. Please, if Wii owners have any soul.

Wii owners aren't soulless, they just have bad taste!

Seriously, Wii is a casual party machine. I know two hardcore gamers who own it, and both guessed it...Mario Party 8. Why haven't they purchased Metroid Prime 3 or Super Mario Galaxy? Because they also have 360s (and a PS3 in one case) so all of their 1-player gaming budget goes to those.

Then you've got the moms and the old folks' homes and the hospitals buying these know it ain't for Metroid.

This is what happens when you're #1. The fact is, hardcore gamers are a minority, and to the non-hardcore gamer Mario Party is as good as Mario Kart is as good as Mario Tennis is as good as Galaxy. (In fact, the rest are probably better than Galaxy since they're fun at parties).

casuals always are a bigger number then hardcore gamers,but also mario party 8 did sell all those copies in one week now did it