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Forums - Sony Discussion - remember the guy who called about dust voiding his ps3?? weell(cough cough)

twesterm said:
Something fishy is going on here. Either that guy lied about how clean his console was, that isn't his console, or they made his console dirtier. Lets look at each thing.

The guy lied
If I've learned anything from House it's that everybody lies. This guy could just be stretching the truth about how clean he was, but if that is the case, you would think he knows that his console is that dirty. Why would he fight so hard for such a dirty console and even go as far as making a big spiel on the internet? Also, why would anyone be dumb enough to send a console that dirty? I don't like conspiracy theories, but I have trouble believing the guy would send in a console that dirty.

That Isn't His Console
Nobody is perfect and his console could have been switched on accident with another one. As unlikely as this sounds, to me, this sounds like the most likely thing. I wonder if the guy was smart enough to write down his serial number.

Sony Made It That Dusty
Like I said, I don't like conspiracy theories but something isn't sitting right about this whole thing. The guy had to go through a lot of trouble to get those pictures and yeah, the PS3 is a dust magnet, but I really don't think it would get that bad letting it sit in an entertainment center for a year. That really looks like Sony set it on a patch of dirt and took a leaf blower to it because I just can't see any way the console could get that dusty.

So yeah, all three don't really seem likely but it has to be one of those. As unlikely as it is, the second seems the most likely but still that's just odd.

Just wondering here, why was this thread created when the other one had the exact same information from the start of this whole thing? Anyway, just to clear something up, I belive that the $150 was actually a replacement fee and not to repair it. Also, under the warranty (or terms of use... whatever) neglect of the unit can void it and while it's difficult to really say from the pictures since fingerprints are easily left behind (though dust in certain areas was pretty extreme), I still want to see the inside like I've been saying in the other thread. However, if the outside was that bad, then I'm probably thinking that the inside could be pretty dusty as well.

Anyway, onto Twestern's post,

The guy lied- Maybe, but maybe not. It's hard to say because he claims that he wiped his PS3 down. We can't say it's because of the fingerprints since the PS3's surface causes fingerprints and scratches to be seen easiler with some light, I belive the pictures confuse the matter even more.

Isn't his console- I don't know, the guy made a post on the same website he started this thing from and confirmed that it was his PS3. He even made a poll asking people to decide based on the pictures for reference.

Sony made it dirty for the pictures- When it comes to the fingerprints, that is a yes since they had to handle it. However, I have no idea about the dust. I don't know, if there wasn't a lot of dust, why would any of this have ever happened in the first place?

In the end, the inside is where it'll probably count the most because if it indeed because too much dust got inside, then it could very well mean that he had 'neglected' his PS3 especially if that is really how his PS3 looks. 

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Frozenfuryblade said:
souixan said:
twesterm said:
Something fishy is going on here. Either that guy lied about how clean his console was, that isn't his console, or they made his console dirtier. Lets look at each thing.

The guy lied
If I've learned anything from House it's that everybody lies. This guy could just be stretching the truth about how clean he was, but if that is the case, you would think he knows that his console is that dirty. Why would he fight so hard for such a dirty console and even go as far as making a big spiel on the internet? Also, why would anyone be dumb enough to send a console that dirty? I don't like conspiracy theories, but I have trouble believing the guy would send in a console that dirty.

That Isn't His Console
Nobody is perfect and his console could have been switched on accident with another one. As unlikely as this sounds, to me, this sounds like the most likely thing. I wonder if the guy was smart enough to write down his serial number.

Sony Made It That Dusty
Like I said, I don't like conspiracy theories but something isn't sitting right about this whole thing. The guy had to go through a lot of trouble to get those pictures and yeah, the PS3 is a dust magnet, but I really don't think it would get that bad letting it sit in an entertainment center for a year. That really looks like Sony set it on a patch of dirt and took a leaf blower to it because I just can't see any way the console could get that dusty.

So yeah, all three don't really seem likely but it has to be one of those. As unlikely as it is, the second seems the most likely but still that's just odd.

About the him telling a lie part, I have a friend who works tech support for a company that shall remain nameless. You'd be shocked the things people do.. I've personally seen DVD trays broken(in 2006.) because people tried to use them to hold cups(I'm not just saying this either..) on not one but three(3) occasions. People are dumb and people tend to have a complex where everything is owed to them and it's always some other persons fault. That is why I don't put it past him having told a lie about his systems cleanliness.
Nah, I don't think it's that simple. This guy sounded like he was a serious hardcore Sony fanboy, and it also sounded like he took good care of the thing. It is a dust magnet, and of course he stated that it stayed in the entertainment center all the time. I don't know about you guys, but there is no way that much dust could've accumalated on something that never moved. My theory? Number 3 on that list. Sony can't afford to have bad publicity right before the holidays. Plus Sony did refuse to give the pictures back before, and suddenly they are so willing, and give the pictures right back to the guy. No this sounds a little too fishy for my liking.

It's highly likely they didn't give up the photos initially because of the legal work to release them. After being pestered(this guy posted everywhere I'm sure Sony had more then a few requests from multiple organizations) and called a few times, they consulted the legal aspect and released the photos to get him and said organizations to leave them alone. This is very likely and actually far more plausible then his story about it never having moved. It could be a mix up but that isn't a very common problem because they log them based on console and part #'s no console will have exactly the same numbers as his EVER and if it indeed wasn't his console, why have we not heard more from him since these images being released? I saw an article with these pics about a week ago more then ample time for him to reply. My father always told me "When you're right you scream when you know you're wrong you be a little more humble."

You forgot the last option: That he's stupid, and didn't realize that THAT is a dirty console.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

those pictures made me sad... that ps3 could had been mine, and i would had taken care of it. no console deserves to be treated like that.

The TV spot on Fox is interesting. They even show the pictures there as well, too bad they didn't have any opposing opinions, but that would be a threat to the whole idea of why he was on TV, to try and look like he's been stricken down.

Oh well, I want to know what's going to happen.

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Ari_Gold said:
those pictures made me sad... that ps3 could had been mine, and i would had taken care of it. no console deserves to be treated like that.

I agree except maybe the Sega 32x.. trust me. I agree though some people just shouldn't have nice things. If he got this at launch makes me kind of wonder if he was one of those dummies paying 2k for them on Ebay for the first month or so.

I would say it's obvious he doesn't care because he got it as a gift or something...but then I don't get why he's making such a big deal out of it. Maybe he's an Xbox fanboy, and after his gifted PS3 broke, he decided to go crazy...I dunno.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Did he strap it to a dirt bike and pretend to actually play Motorstorm with a real dirt bike? There's no possible way that a console could get that bad unless you kept it in a dirty buggy and went for a ride in the dessert.

It's obvious abuse.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

Eh, not abuse.

My PC moves a lot of air, and a lot of dust collects quickly...I've got a mesh front that I just need to wipe or use canned air...I can see something collecting that much dust...but it's definitely neglect. I mean...all those smudges on the front, too? Very dirty.

I just make sure there's no dust on the front or back of my PC once a week typically...and then once a month or every other month I make sure the inside of my PC is clean...too bad you can't do that with consoles without being super careful or break the warranty.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Page 4 of my user manual... 

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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