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Forums - Sony Discussion - remember the guy who called about dust voiding his ps3?? weell(cough cough)

Yup..I also have a N64 that I haven't used a lot in...4-6 years...It's not THAT dusty..


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None of those pictures are of the inside?.

Also there appears to be a lot of dust in the card reader slots? why those would attract dust at all i don't know, even if the flap was left open it wouldn't get that bad unless you threw dust at it.

 With each new genertion i seem to be gtting much more careful with my consoles, with the Magadrive I would set it up on my bed and if i took it to someones house it would just be put in a backpack with all the games/controllers on top.
N64 i usually tried to put it on a hard surface but otherwise got similar treatment.
The Gamecube I never put on my bed, was more careful with packing for transportation, careful with the discs and once or twice tried to get the dust out of the air vents.
With the Wii i am extremely careful moving it around, and the first few times i took it somewhere elese i used the box it came in, and i try to clean the fingerprints off occasionally.

I think products are just generally becoming less robust....or at least appear to be less robust.

RolStoppable said:
Bonafide732 said:
that looks rough i cant believe anyone would treat anything that bad

I once discovered that I had actually bought a black Gamecube after believing for a couple of years that it was a grey one.


leo-j said:

The report said that there was too much dust inside has notin to do with the outside.

In that case what are we supposed to conclude from the pictures? BTW, how can one clean dust on the inside without voiding the warranty? I know that the PS3 allows the user to replace the hard drive, is it in some self contained compartment or does it require you to open up the whole console?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

looks like this guy doesnt know how to keep clean his consoles

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TWRoO said:
With each new genertion i seem to be gtting much more careful with my consoles, with the Magadrive I would set it up on my bed and if i took it to someones house it would just be put in a backpack with all the games/controllers on top.
N64 i usually tried to put it on a hard surface but otherwise got similar treatment.
The Gamecube I never put on my bed, was more careful with packing for transportation, careful with the discs and once or twice tried to get the dust out of the air vents.
With the Wii i am extremely careful moving it around, and the first few times i took it somewhere elese i used the box it came in, and i try to clean the fingerprints off occasionally.

I think products are just generally becoming less robust....or at least appear to be less robust.

 Or, you're just taking better care of your possesions because your are

-paying for them yourself

-growing up

-conciously want them to last longer

or any combination of the above. BTW im just joking around (Sarcasm is lost in posts) 

Show pictures of the inside, if that's what they didn't repair it for.

It's all beside the point. There is no point in the warranty that would void it if the console is too dusty. I would expect a company to manufacture a piece of hardware that wouldn't suffer from these kind of mishappenings.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Just to make sure everyone is aware, the warranty was NOT voided for "excessive dust," it was voided for "Abuse/Neglect," which in this case takes the form of so-much-dust-he-must-live-in-a-construction-site.

Not saying this makes it absolutely okay, but it does change the discussion a tad. I think we can all agree that abuse and neglect are reasonable exceptions for warranties; otherwise, companies would have to repair products even if they were smashed with a hammer or left out in the rain for days on end.

The real question is: does this constitute "Abuse/Neglect?" I think so, but I can understand people thinking otherwise. Also keep in mind: Sony offered the man a refurbished Playstation 3 for 130 dollars.">">

I opened up my cardreaders last night and found quite a bit of dust ( I just dusted the whole thing a few weeks ago) and the rest of the console was starting to build up with dust again. This thing really is a magnet for dust, it's left out in the open in my bedroom, which is really clean, and I still don't understand how it cakes up with dust every few weeks, pretty badly. The 360 right next to it is always clean, never gets dust on it, and it sits literally RIGHT NEXT to the PS3. WTF is up?
On topic though, wow, no wonder they wouldn't replace it, that is just CRAZY!! How in the hell does that even come about? As soon as I see dust starting to get out of hand, I clean the damn thing. What the hell was this guy doing? It takes 2 seconds to wipe that crap off, not that difficult. Holy hell.


(edit) Why is this go so stupid that he wouldn't first clean the thing off before he sent?  Maybe he though Sony wouldn't be dicks about it, whether it is called for or not, hmmm.  I myself would never send something in for repair looking like that, you are just asking for it, period, even if the dust on the inside was the real problem.  Someone opens the box and takes one look at that and they get an idea of why this console is in for repairs in the first place. 

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