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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

NightAntilli said:
libellule said:


YOU are the sheep man. 

libellule said:

to my defense :

1/ I follow what the whole internet is saying and I REALLY never make claim base on my judgement on the technical part

I rest my case.

That is a well rested case.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

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Skeeuk said:


close up char zoom.


*picture comparison of UC and GeOW*

Why didn't you pick Mass Effect faces? =)

As for the whole RSX vs 7800GTX thing..

GeForce 7800 GTX specifications

  • 430 MHz core clock
  • 8 vertex shader units
  • 24 pixel shader units
  • 256 MB GDDR3 on a 256-bit memory interface
  • 600 MHz memory clock

RSX specifications

  • 500 MHz core clock (or 550MHz, it's not clear)
  • 8 vertex shader units
  • 24 pixel shader units
  • 256MB GDDR3 on a 128-bit memory interface
  • 700 MHz memory clock

And the bold/underlined part is exactly the part where the RSX is worse than a 7800GTX. Even if the core is running at a higher frequency than the 7800GTX, the bandwidth is limited because of the 128-bit memory interface, giving it 22.4GB/s of memory bandwidth, while the 7800GTX has 38.4GB/s. So even IF the RSX might have the capacity to process more than the 7800GTX, its bandwidth limits are too high for all that power to be useful. The RSX has the same bandwidth as a 7600GT.

Edit@ post beneath me: It's sad that you don't see the irony of your posts. Believe whatever you want to. I'm done arguing with you.

Truth does not fear investigation

NightAntilli said:
libellule said:


YOU are the sheep man. 

libellule said:

to my defense :

1/ I follow what the whole internet is saying and I REALLY never make claim base on my judgement on the technical part

I rest my case.


I m the sheep of the fact, you are the sheep of your fanboysm, got it ?

Time to Work !

I think my 360 is the best console I have ever owned, however I do not feel the need to put down other consoles because of that (not seriously anyway). I stick up for the 360 because people on this site are always talking crap about it and I get pretty fed up. Phrases like "is the futur3!" just make you look like a tool.

Also, why do people keep using "M$"? Do you think it makes you look clever? maybe witty? no, the answer is C. an idiot

now go play your games.

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

Least Xbox 360 folks on here. Which is weird since there are clearly more 360 owners than PS3 owners. And there is definitely more hardcore gamers on 360 than the Wii. But i guess most people that use this site has been here since last gen.

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The fact is that CGI is often mentioned when people talk about unbiased people, and this shows that this community leans toward the PS3... He's unbiased in the eyes of the PS3 fanboys, because he is less biased than them, but it doesn't mean he is unbiased, as this thread clearly shows.

I'm not saying that leaning towards a console is bad per se, but I find funny that there are people who think of him as an impartial and unbiased gamer.

what a bunch of crap I m reading
PS3 fanboys this, PS3 fanboys that ...

why dont you CLEARLY identify the people that are problematic to you and then ask a mod to ban them ?

Time to Work !

Kynes said:
The fact is that CGI is often mentioned when people talk about unbiased people, and this shows that this community leans toward the PS3... He's unbiased in the eyes of the PS3 fanboys, because he is less biased than them, but it doesn't mean he is unbiased, as this thread clearly shows.

I'm not saying that leaning towards a console is bad per se, but I find funny that there are people who think of him as an impartial and unbiased gamer.

CGI is a reasonable fanboy


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

welcome to the real world, its not just 360 threads man, ps3 and wii threads goes straight to hell sometimes as well

I dunno what's funnier, that this thread is a microcosm of what the OP's talking about or that libellule's argument boils down to "lots of people agree with me, so I must be right!"

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.