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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

Garnett said:
Twistedpixel said:
Garnett said:

Sony said PS3 will be twice as powerful as Xbox 360

"According to IBM’s white pages, the cell processor being used in the ps3 is considerably less powerful than what it has been hyped up to be.
Sony officially revealed the PS3 and for the first time at E3 2005, and claimed that their Cell processor would be capable of 200 GFLOPS.

When physically tested however, only 155.5 GFLOP’s were actually achieved (see Table 4) with a total efficiency rate of 75.9%.
Because of manufacturing yield issues, the PS3 will only use 7 SPE’s with the theoretical peak for the PS3’s Cell processor being reduced to 176 GFLOP’s, each running at 25.12 GFLOP’s.
According to the (unbiased) site above, the PS3 will also constantly reserve 1 SPE** for running its operating system. Now that there is actually one less SPE reserved for gaming purposes, it is definite that the ps3’s cell will only be capable of 114.4 GFLOP’s for the purpose of game processing."


The Xbox 360 has 3 general-purpose 2-threaded CPU's, which generates a proven 115.2 GFLOP’s which is dramatically easier for developers to utilize. By now it should be pathetically obvious that sony is no where near as far ahead as they try to lead you to think (keep in mind they claimed that the ps2 was more powerful than the original xbox, but were proven wrong publicly, since the xbox was indeed twice as powerful).

Remember the Xbox 360 also has part of the processor reserved for OS functions. In addition to this, its probably easier to devote one whole thread/processing element to a problem than to share execution resources and potentially conflict, in addition to this the Cell CPU probably makes better use of each execution unit due to the cache/streaming architecture. So I suspect the achieveable performance for the PS3 is about spot on whilst the Xbox 360 is a little over-exagerated there.

PS3 does 114.4 Gflops while in game.

360 does 115.2 Gflops while in game.


360 Xenos is more powerful than the Cell.

I don't see them making the same considerations for OS etc on the Xbox 360 nor any idea of how they actually tested the consoles.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

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NightAntilli said:
joeorc said:

Sony first party game's show otherwise

so if Microsoft's machine Has so much more where is Microsoft's 1st party engine's for the xbox360?

why are thay not showing off their own engine's can do for the xbox360?

 Sony has shown many time's the game engine's they are running on the PS3 1st and 2nd party.

MS lacked 3rd party support last gen. Their focus this gen was to have great 3rd party support. Believe it or not, that determines the success of a console a lot more than people want to admit.

Why they're not showing off? Well, Forza 3 is one, though most people don't appreciate it for what it is since the focus was not on graphics alone but also a lot of other things, not to mention the short 2 year development cycle WITH a new engine (that's pretty short actually). The only other one that comes to mind right now is Alan Wake. Developed by a small team of 30 at the beginning to around 50 right now, over the course of 5-6 years. Alan Wake is basically the only graphical marvel the X360 has right now. MS simply doesn't have that many 1st party studios or resources to build custom engines for the console, and they somehow let 2nd parties be bought by EA or other large companies. Why? Beats me.. Letting a developer like Bioware get to EA made me really go WTF. But it might be better than letting Bioware turn out like Rare... Games like Fable don't really stand out graphically, and Halo is more about scale than graphics. It's all about the priorities, and MS simply does not have graphics as a high priority, while Sony does.

Ms had 3rd party support last generation,

3rd party does not determine the success of a console:

one only has to look at the nintendo Wii!

the game's do that is what matter's where those game's come from does not matter as long as the system get's them,system.only. because if you can get the game on multiple system's that is far less of determining factor as is if what make's the system unique.

is it's 1st and 2nd party game's

example why did you buy your xbox360

was if mainly for

crackdown, forza, what exactly brought you to buy the xbox360 ?

your point out this:

MS simply doesn't have that many 1st party studios or resources to build custom engines for the console, and they somehow let 2nd parties be bought by EA or other large companies. Why? Beats me.. Letting a developer like Bioware get to EA made me really go WTF. But it might be better than letting Bioware turn out like Rare... Games like Fable don't really stand out graphically, and Halo is more about scale than graphics. It's all about the priorities, and MS simply does not have graphics as a high priority, while Sony does.

Unless your saying that Microsoft does not care to push their system,?

so what your saying is Sony has better graphic's because it's a Priority vs' better game play?

than if Microsoft does not have graphic's as a high priority,




100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Carl2291 said:
I think people should CUT DOWN THE QUOTES!

At least just remove the first few quotes before the actual post you reply to!

it hurts my eyes!

Gender swapped men hurt my eyes.

Garnett said:
Twistedpixel said:
Garnett said:

Sony said PS3 will be twice as powerful as Xbox 360

"According to IBM’s white pages, the cell processor being used in the ps3 is considerably less powerful than what it has been hyped up to be.
Sony officially revealed the PS3 and for the first time at E3 2005, and claimed that their Cell processor would be capable of 200 GFLOPS.

When physically tested however, only 155.5 GFLOP’s were actually achieved (see Table 4) with a total efficiency rate of 75.9%.
Because of manufacturing yield issues, the PS3 will only use 7 SPE’s with the theoretical peak for the PS3’s Cell processor being reduced to 176 GFLOP’s, each running at 25.12 GFLOP’s.
According to the (unbiased) site above, the PS3 will also constantly reserve 1 SPE** for running its operating system. Now that there is actually one less SPE reserved for gaming purposes, it is definite that the ps3’s cell will only be capable of 114.4 GFLOP’s for the purpose of game processing."


The Xbox 360 has 3 general-purpose 2-threaded CPU's, which generates a proven 115.2 GFLOP’s which is dramatically easier for developers to utilize. By now it should be pathetically obvious that sony is no where near as far ahead as they try to lead you to think (keep in mind they claimed that the ps2 was more powerful than the original xbox, but were proven wrong publicly, since the xbox was indeed twice as powerful).

Remember the Xbox 360 also has part of the processor reserved for OS functions. In addition to this, its probably easier to devote one whole thread/processing element to a problem than to share execution resources and potentially conflict, in addition to this the Cell CPU probably makes better use of each execution unit due to the cache/streaming architecture. So I suspect the achieveable performance for the PS3 is about spot on whilst the Xbox 360 is a little over-exagerated there.

PS3 does 114.4 Gflops while in game.

360 does 115.2 Gflops while in game.


360 Xenos is more powerful than the Cell.

that is so wrong I do not even know where to start.

for one I will just say this

people with PHD's and people who have coded for the Cell processor have a hell of alot more experience than some of these somewhat called unbias test's

unbias my @ss.

for one there is quite a few thing's they are cherry picking an leaving out.

the Xenos is not And I mean Not more powerful than the Cell .

By April 2004 the first working chip came off the line at IBM's silicon factory in East Fishkill, N.Y. The new Cell didn't deliver the 1,000X gain that Sony wanted--but it did deliver 50X. Cell cranks out 200 billion floating-point operations per second (200 gigaflops). That is akin to a full-fledged supercomputer in the late 1990s. Add an Nvidia-designed graphics chip and PlayStation 3 runs 2 trillion instructions per second.

in 2005:

By early last year Sony was sending out Cell prototypes and software tools to get developers started on writing new games for PlayStation 3. "We're seeing stuff that goes dramatically beyond what we can do with the current generation [of games]," says Andrew Goldman, chief executive of Pandemic Studios, a Los Angeles outfit that wrote a series of popular Star Wars games for PlayStation 2. "And what you will see over time is going to be even more amazing." He says it will take years to fully exploit Cell's capabilities.

Speed Thrills: Cell Zaps Rivals

Cell- 230

Xbox 360 -77

Pentium 4
Extreme Edition 840
Intel - 26

So no it's not even close to 144, let alone to 145 for the xbox360 processor.

unless IBM does not know what their doing.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

I blame my self for the negativity in the MS forums, I'm so sorry for telling you guys how :

Bayoneta is better than the GOW series for months

Forza3 blows away GT5 for months

Every 360 games is the best looking game of alltime

I really brought a lot of negative threads to the website always comparing 360 exclusives VS ps3 exclusives, I am always talking how Sony DOESNT make profit and how Natal will destroy the arc.

I also messed up having threads on how : Home sucks, the sixasis sucks, Netflix sucks, trophies suck, and to think Kratos is a lame character, just in one week.

I am really going to try avoid going to every 360 threads about Killzone2, Uncharted 2, LBP being overrated and disappointing. I will make sure I stop getting banned for trolling and flaming the 360 and its fans.

The time have comes for me to stop being negative about the 360 and be positive like the 360 fans in this site.

Once again,

I am sorry

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Carl2291 said:
heruamon said:
Carl2291 said:

That one was actually from a Wii fan. But i see what you mean...

The point is, he compared it to Fallout 3. Which is regarded as one of the best RPG's this gen, if not ever. It's also available on the PS3, by the way.

Sorry, but I'm not following your point.  Fallout 3 was an awesome game, and I don't think Selnor was trying to make this out to be a case of Metro being better than Fallout, but instead making a flippant comments about how excited he is about this game, which, btw, isn't on most people's radar.  The comparison to how Fallout 3 performed on the 360 to the PS3 isn't much of a discussion point (2.96 vs 1.96), and I think it's safe to say the 360 was the dominant marketplace for Fallout 3 (early DLCs), so your comments as to it being on the PS3 doesn't hold water in this particular case.  Finally, I still don't see the connect to the PS3, and the rationalizing is exactly what I'm talking about.   Not to say Selnor is completely innocent, and as the thread onwer, he probably should have squashed it quickly and reported the poster, as I do in my threads, but after a while, it just starts to wear on you, when EVERY GREEN thread has this nonsense...

"Dare I say move over Fallout 3? Well Metro 2033 has fantastic graphics, fantastic idea, and looks to be more than Fallout 3 for realism and survival."

I wasn't talking about how they performed. I was talking about it also being on PS3, which will make PS3 fans defend it if they want to. Even some 360 fans were defending Fallout... As for he 360 version selling more and getting the DLC first... I don't see what that has to do with the quality of the game itself.

Errr...okay, we can agree to disagree, since I'm not following why PS3 fans need to defend a multi-plat that performed much better on the 360, and I still don't see Selnor's comments as a knock on Fallout 3.  I loved that game, and as my GC can attest to, I dumped alot of hours into it.  I don't see how Metro 2033 relates to PS3...especially since it's not being released on the that console, at this point.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

psrock said:
I blame my self for the negativity in the MS forums, I'm so sorry for telling you guys how :

Bayoneta is better than the GOW series for months

Forza3 blows away GT5 for months

Every 360 games is the best looking game of alltime

I really brought a lot of negative threads to the website always comparing 360 exclusives VS ps3 exclusives, I am always talking how Sony DOESNT make profit and how Natal will destroy the arc.

I also messed up having threads on how : Home sucks, the sixasis sucks, Netflix sucks, trophies suck, and to think Kratos is a lame character, just in one week.

I am really going to try avoid going to every 360 threads about Killzone2, Uncharted 2, LBP being overrated and disappointing. I will make sure I stop getting banned for trolling and flaming the 360 and its fans.

The time have comes for me to stop being negative about the 360 and be positive like the 360 fans in this site.

Once again,

I am sorry

That'll do pig, that'll do

jesus kung fu magic said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ selnor

Also, check out the GOWIII review thread to see what reviewer(s) MANY of them, think about it's visuals.

I wouldn't debate it without anything solid.

Apparently reviewers think that it is inconsistant.....with some scenes and characters being some of the best in gaming and others being only passable as "good".

Here is something from IGN:

"However, the graphical fidelity is not entirely consistent. There are a couple areas of the game that just don't match up to the most impressive stuff, creating an uneven feeling in the visual presentation. Granted, even at its worst God of War III still looks really good, but some spots just don't feature the same level of lighting quality or perhaps texture work as others. The biggest culprits in this issue, however, are some of the characters. There are a few that look fantastic, but many are clearly not on the same level as Kratos, and some are even only passable as "good"."



Yeah well IGN gave modern warfare 2 a 10 in the graphics section..

It's one of the consequences of the massive anti-PS3 waves that existed during it's first 2 years, in both the media and the communities. I can perfectly remember how nearly every post I saw about PS3 went to hell in no time, flooded by posts from uninformed 360 trolls, saying that the PS3 had no games, and that it only had use as a Blu-Ray player.
Not even PS3 oriented sites were safe.

It improved over time, but a lot of them would still show up to occasionally troll some PS3 threads.

This very site had one perfect example. The guy came back from his several-months long ban for trolling the PS3. He was banned the same day, for several months, again, for heavily trolling, again, on a thread he had made.

In the media aspect, well, your typical biased reviewer that would abuse his site's/blog's popularity to talk trash on the PS3, as if things weren't bad enough (Just as an example).

Now that things have stabilized, it's all like karma, where all those trolls, and unfortunately, unrelated, neutral 360 owners are having it all sent back to them. Reviewers giving good scores to PS3 exclusives (See: Uncharted 2), and people all over the world now seeing the PS3 as a good buy and an alternative to a 360, don't help in preventing this new wave of "trolling", with this "in yo face" attitude we have seen lately.
Not to mention how some sites now get massively bombed by users when a bad review of a PS3 game is posted.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

That's right, just one "d"

In b4 "it's addict"
Add me:

At the end of the day, people can be as negative asthey want to be, but HE WHO MAKES THE MOST MONEY WINS...and that is going to be the true judge of things to of luck to!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder