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Forums - Website Topics - website request (important)

So where is the figure that shows what marvel ultimate alliance was at prior to the bundle deal? Is there some easy way to see all pre bundle sales? I don't see anything.

If you honestly believe there are other 'more important' datas to track, then the new idea would be to add some option in the main page for 'detailed data' with my desire for bundle outlines to be part of that detail. If vgcharts goal is to be 'the most comprehensive game chart in the world' then it will have to actually show honest data. Most sane people who would like to debate say, dirt versus forza 2, would not want to include forza 2s bundled sales against dirts non bundled sales. With no way to outline what forza 2 has actually sold though, it makes that very impractical.

As it stands now? If I wanted to do that, I would need to go through the charts and find out when the big shift happened, then I would have to estimate how much the game sells individually while factoring maybe holiday month boost or something. At this point you have no written or concrete number to use, but instead an out of ass estimate which just doesn't fly.

If clutter is your only concern then it is a rather silly one, I don't care where it ends up as long as it is somehow documented somewhere on the site for me to see.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

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I personally would be interested in bundled sales myself. But It seems you imply that bundled sales don't matter in total game sales. Not everyone "ripped viva pinata out of box and sold to ebgames". Some people did plan on getting the game thats in the bundle already. To imply that only individual game sales matter is pretty silly.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

I don't imply that at all, I think many people keep and play bundled titles, but it is no secret that the abundant titles in the used pile tend to be bundle disc, I recall seeing hundreds of jet set radio/sega gt bundle disc pretty quick after that one came out.

Like I said, keep the overall, but specify bundled sales for those of us who want to see how much it is selling specifically, a bundled figure is too unreliable to count in SOME debates.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

well you are wrong,
i don`t see, that That much people would buy resistance or motorstorm, if not bundle, it would be 1/4 less i think. =)
But, people bought ps3, got those games, tried, and maybe some of them liked fps game resistance, which normaly they wouldn`t buy, and now they will wait for Resistance 2 and probably buy it.
So, that bundle will effect sales. :)
PS3 is just an example. :)

Though yeah, Wii sport, game which show compabilities of wiimote should go free, not for money.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

CrazzyMan said:
well you are wrong,
i don`t see, that That much people would buy resistance or motorstorm, if not bundle, it would be 1/4 less i think. =)
But, people bought ps3, got those games, tried, and maybe some of them liked fps game resistance, which normaly they wouldn`t buy, and now they will wait for Resistance 2 and probably buy it.
So, that bundle will effect sales. :)
PS3 is just an example. :)

Though yeah, Wii sport, game which show compabilities of wiimote should go free, not for money.

 Im sorry, worst post of the day.

Your arguing bundled sales for the console you like should be counted but not for the console you don't like?

Wiisports is as much of a games as resistance. 

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See people, this thread illustrates the importance of common curtesy. Golden had a neat idea, but once he devolved into insulting the intelligence of those who weren't behind the idea, I turned right off. Now I have no interest in seeing this done.

And Crazyman. Wii sports is one of the best games of this gen.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

stof, if you don't want the idea to exist then you didn't want it in the first place, no amount of asshole nature can change a feature one may want, don't try to play that shitty card.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.