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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony halves fees for PlayStation 3 software development

pntsurf1 said:
Sony is on the right track...But I think this won't do much

I hope so but it's getting harder and harder to place faith in Sony.  At this point, I'm just ready to wait and see what happens.

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Dallinor said:
I'd imagine some PSN games are very profitable. Super Stardust HD has over 80k in sales.

82k x 9.99 = $820,000.

I've no idea how much it cost to make, but I'd have to imagine that's very profitable.

Making dev kits cheaper will only increase profitability.

Not saying its not profitable.

I would want a budget of around $250k US for a PSN title - approx.

Assume Sony's fees are close to that of Ninty/MS - around 35%. Developer gets 65%.

$820k x 65% = $533k

Minus $250k --> $280k profit.


Equiv title on 360/Wii would sell 50% more units - and 50% faster (if not more).

My budget for the same project on the Wii --> $100k US. 

Same/similar game on the Wii: 120k x $10US = $1.2m.

Minus $100k, x65% --> $680k

(around 2.5x the profit)

I know the service has been running for a while, but check out which XBLA titles have sold 100k units (plus) - about 60% of them: 


You would need to prove that PSN titles would sell more, and sell faster - which I just don't believe they would. Less competition only helps so much. This would also be one of the better selling PSN titles - I'm pretty sure a higher % of PSN titles would not break even, compared to XBLA or WiiWare.

Be interesting to see some solid numbers for the PSN for comparison - its one of the things SONY could do to attract more developers to their platform. Or just issue 5x $250k grants every month  (pocket change) to fund PSN indy developers.

(we know there are about 100VC titles, and with close to 8m-10m units sold --> average 100k sales per title - but they are a little different, in that there is no/little dev cost - and they ARE old titles - so will sell based on reputation more than anything else) 

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Words Of Wisdom said:
pntsurf1 said:
Sony is on the right track...But I think this won't do much

I hope so but it's getting harder and harder to place faith in Sony. At this point, I'm just ready to wait and see what happens.

Oh yes.. and Microsoft bumping Halo 3 a yeer later (2006 to 2007) didnt annoy you? or how short it is for that year bump? *rolls eyes*

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ssj12 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
pntsurf1 said:
Sony is on the right track...But I think this won't do much

I hope so but it's getting harder and harder to place faith in Sony. At this point, I'm just ready to wait and see what happens.

Oh yes.. and Microsoft bumping Halo 3 a yeer later (2006 to 2007) didnt annoy you? or how short it is for that year bump? *rolls eyes*

If I was a Halo fan, maybe.  I didn't like the original and Halo 2 was boring and easy.  Halo 3 is nowhere near my To-Buy list.  I probably won't own it until it hits the bargain bin for $20... and maybe not even then.

Your point, despite the bad example, is a fair one.  I'd be upset if a title I cared about was put off for a while.

i want psn cards!

Resistance owns!!!!!111 one!

Around the Network

As much as I hate to say it, the negative spin some people put on everything that has to do with Sony is really starting to make me question the community's intelligence...

It's been questioned several times, but this is just silly!



Well, at least I'm not the only one seeing it.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

The general sentiment that's going around seems to be that sony is learning from its mistakes and is responding to the demands of the consumers which can only lead to good things in the future.



Dallinor said:
Well the more PSN games the better. Super Stardust HD still has me hooked. I'm slowly moving up the leaderboards, like some sort of devious score ninja :D

I wonder how the new PSN game 'Pain' will fare. I'm not too sure if it will really 'work'.

 The Pain trailer sure does work. I will probably be one of the first to dl this one. Reminds me of the old freeware game

"Rekturavat" or something like that. 2 versions one where you push a guy down the stairs, another where you crash a truck with a guy on it, and your score is how much damage you can do... I spent hours trying to make it onto the daily top score list.

I remember when there was next to nothing on PSN but "blast factor" and a few cheap remakes. Now there's so much there that I keep running into titles I've forgotten about. They've done a good job so far. 

MontanaHatchet said:
As much as I hate to say it, the negative spin some people put on everything that has to do with Sony is really starting to make me question the community's intelligence...

It's been questioned several times, but this is just silly!

 Who has said that lowering the cost of the Dev kits is a bad thing?

 All I have seen is people saying that it really doesnt acheive much as thats not where devs lose the most money.