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ssj12 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
pntsurf1 said:
Sony is on the right track...But I think this won't do much

I hope so but it's getting harder and harder to place faith in Sony. At this point, I'm just ready to wait and see what happens.

Oh yes.. and Microsoft bumping Halo 3 a yeer later (2006 to 2007) didnt annoy you? or how short it is for that year bump? *rolls eyes*

If I was a Halo fan, maybe.  I didn't like the original and Halo 2 was boring and easy.  Halo 3 is nowhere near my To-Buy list.  I probably won't own it until it hits the bargain bin for $20... and maybe not even then.

Your point, despite the bad example, is a fair one.  I'd be upset if a title I cared about was put off for a while.