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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony halves fees for PlayStation 3 software development

Andir said:
Parokki said:

The PS2 had some serious design issues as well, but nowhere near those of the PS3

It's been stated that the PS3 is not as hard as the PS2 was. I forget the developer that said it, but let's not try to change/mold this into being the opposite.

I could reply with stuff like "no source = no believe" or "you find a developer who'll say anything these days", but they'd all apply to me as well. =P

So yeah, let's forget my claim on the PS3 being more difficult, since I can't exactly prove it. 

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ultraslick said:
Yes the PS3 userbase is smaller, meaning there are less games available for the PSN. The PS3 (which is doing better than the 360 was at the same time in the life cycle) will profit from this because every new PSN game will have less competition and will not get lost in the shuffle.
Plus in my book it doesn't get any better than "Everyday Shooter"
3rd place has never been so sweet..


 Looks more like it's doing as good as 360, but not better.

 Your "less games is good!" spin is pretty laughable, too.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

famousringo said:
ultraslick said:
Yes the PS3 userbase is smaller, meaning there are less games available for the PSN. The PS3 (which is doing better than the 360 was at the same time in the life cycle) will profit from this because every new PSN game will have less competition and will not get lost in the shuffle.
Plus in my book it doesn't get any better than "Everyday Shooter"
3rd place has never been so sweet..


Looks more like it's doing as good as 360, but not better.

Your "less games is good!" spin is pretty laughable, too.

 If I have Ratchet, CoD and Uncharted for this month, if I had Galaxy and Mass Effect I might explode

In truth, would you prefer lots of average games, or a few good games? 

add me

Munkeh said:

In truth, would you prefer lots of average games, or a few good games?


Words Of Wisdom said:
Munkeh said:

In truth, would you prefer lots of average games, or a few good games?


 Exactly, it's a false choice. Having a host of mediocre games won't make the top games vanish in a puff of smoke.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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kitler53 said:
w00t, development kit dropped by $10,000. too bad the game cost $10,000,000 to make (or more).

 umm... no.. sorry... EveryDay Shooter = Flash game.. zomg barely no cost to make. PSN games are cheap and dev times can be quite short. Sony will front porting costs for indie devs wanting to put their game on the PSN. Hence flOw, flOwer, EveryDayShooter, Blast Factor, and many more upcoming Indie PSN games. 

Quit spewing half facts when you dont cover the whole picture. 

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Minor comparison:

Nintendo cut the price of its Gamecube development kits later during the GC's lifespan (my search-fu is weak, it was between year 3-4 though.) Didn't make a dent in sales.


This won't affect big developers, since they spend millions on developing games, and $10K isn't really a dealbreaker.

This will affect smaller developers, since development costs are much lower to the point where $10K is significant. Right now the X360 has a larger userbase though, and Wii Dev Kits are much cheaper ($2K.)

Right now, Sony has dropped the startup costs for PS3 indie games, assuming you wanted to make a X360/PS3 tech game and you couldn't decide between the two.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

Munkeh said:
famousringo said:
ultraslick said:
Yes the PS3 userbase is smaller, meaning there are less games available for the PSN. The PS3 (which is doing better than the 360 was at the same time in the life cycle) will profit from this because every new PSN game will have less competition and will not get lost in the shuffle.
Plus in my book it doesn't get any better than "Everyday Shooter"
3rd place has never been so sweet..


Looks more like it's doing as good as 360, but not better.

Your "less games is good!" spin is pretty laughable, too.

 If I have Ratchet, CoD and Uncharted for this month, if I had Galaxy and Mass Effect I might explode

In truth, would you prefer lots of average games, or a few good games? 

The way I play games... a lot of average games.  I play so many games that if i only had a few good ones i'd get bored with them way too quick.  The only thing preventing me from going bankrupt is that i enjoy retro gaming.


PS2 had some programming issues but had no real competition (Dreamcast-dead and GameCube and Xbox were a year late)

Sony is on the right track...But I think this won't do much