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Munkeh said:
famousringo said:
ultraslick said:
Yes the PS3 userbase is smaller, meaning there are less games available for the PSN. The PS3 (which is doing better than the 360 was at the same time in the life cycle) will profit from this because every new PSN game will have less competition and will not get lost in the shuffle.
Plus in my book it doesn't get any better than "Everyday Shooter"
3rd place has never been so sweet..


Looks more like it's doing as good as 360, but not better.

Your "less games is good!" spin is pretty laughable, too.

 If I have Ratchet, CoD and Uncharted for this month, if I had Galaxy and Mass Effect I might explode

In truth, would you prefer lots of average games, or a few good games? 

The way I play games... a lot of average games.  I play so many games that if i only had a few good ones i'd get bored with them way too quick.  The only thing preventing me from going bankrupt is that i enjoy retro gaming.