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Forums - Sony Discussion - Assassin's Creed For PS3 Seeing Lock Ups

i have the game on has froze 3 times ...hopefully they will fix it...
I have friends with the xbox 360 version that told me it froze on their system too. It might just be worst on PS3...


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PS3--------58,000,000  Ps3 takes the lead it late 2009 and never loses the lead again

Wii---------43,000,000 Wii fade starts to die out in summer 2008 and sales decrease

Xbox 360----27,000,000 








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NJ5 said:

If a game gets shipped with such a bug, it means that either the development team sucks, or the game was rushed to the market.

Or the QA team sucks.

Yes, I meant the company developing the game as a whole (it's impossible to know who's exactly at fault without having insider info).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I won't be buying this for the 360 or PS3. I just don't trust it.

NJ5 said:


PC games have patches, sure, and that's good... But console gaming used to be about having a simple trouble-free experience for users. Developers could test the target consoles knowing that every user had the same hardware.

With consoles now getting online functionality, multiple models, firmware updates, etc etc, the simplicity is disappearing, both for users and for game developers/testers. Kids shouldn't need to know what a patch is, neither should people who aren't computer literate. Games shouldn't need to get patched, many people don't even have online functionality.

I completely agree, with that.  My whole attraction to console gaming was once you bought the console, you didn't need to upgrade your system like with PCs, and that when you bought a game, it was the 100% product. - That's disturbing man. Broken legged horse. - Another sick/horizontal horse bug. - While this was hilarious. Fallen through wall/world.

Edit: Just found this video of the 360 version with a co-op bug :P Basically he's on the last level and there are two Assassin's for some reason. If he kills one, he dies.  It also stops him from beating the game, he restarted with a new save file and at the same point the same thing happened =\

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I remember the carefree days of the NES and SNES hardly any games came out with bugs in them and those that did ussually were only under strange circumstances or were the type of bugs you never noticed.

Ya it does suck that with PS3 and Xbox connected to the internet, they feel like they can push a game out.  Just like a PC, because they can patch it up later. I bought many games for the PC like that just to wait like a month so I could play it with a patch.

@ SeriousWB

That horizontal horse bug made my stomach churn, that is sooooo weird.

Nintendownsmii said:
I remember the carefree days of the NES and SNES hardly any games came out with bugs in them and those that did ussually were only under strange circumstances or were the type of bugs you never noticed.

In the NES days, there wasn't much to work with so every bit had to count (literally). There were fewer bugs due to that and honestly sometimes the bugs that made it into games looked like features.

This continued into the SNES days. Remember how Gradius III would slow down when there was too much on the screen? Major bug there. However the slow down actually created the effect of bullet time letting you dodge tons of enemy projectiles with ease. Was it really a bug... or a feature?

I remember that bug in Dynasty Warriors 2. Good times. Who am I kidding new itterations STILL have this bug.