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Forums - General Discussion - Do you call your metal black?

choirsoftheeye said:
@LISMDK - I don't mean this in the jackass way that most metal fans usually say it, but Dimmu aren't really black metal any more. They just don't feature anything in common with genre, except vocals that are distantly related and some imagery. Dark Tranquillity, old In Flames and Mastodon are a lot of fun. You listen to any Devin Townsend?

Yeah, i do know that they arn't really black metal any more. I should of said that i mostly listen to their old stuff and their new stuff is alright too. Same situation with In Flames (exept they were melodic death)

And yes i do listen to some Devin Townsend, Strapping Young Lad was pretty good and ive been meaning to check out his solo stuff.

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i do like my coffee black tho ;)

get it ^^

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choirsoftheeye said:
ProfDallas said:
I've been waayyy too busy lately to be able to sit down to a lot of music but I lik metal sometimes. I was listening to something the other day and I started getting into it once I realized that the song sounded just like classical music...just "heavier".

btw, Heavy metal can be "folky" like folk music? Crazy. I've never imagined that metal can sound like folk music but i'll download some if you can reccomend a few bands.

The folk music in question is European (specifically Swiss) folk music, not like Dylan folk music, in this particular case. Eluveitie are one of the easier versions of this sound to get into, if the vocals aren't too offputting.

Another good example...

...the best drinking song ever! xD

choirsoftheeye said:
makingmusic476 said:
I don't listen to black metal too often out of matters of principle, but I get into lot's of folk and viking metal. I absolutely love Amon Amarth, and also listen to Ensiferum, Agalloch, Mithotyn, and others.

Out of all metal, I favor melodeath and power metal (especially the symphonic and progressive stuff). My favorite bands are Iced Earth, Soilwork, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Nightwish, Amon Amarth, and others.
My personal take on the whole dealing with black metal ideology thing is that I just don't send them any money for their music. I'll appreciate it, but I won't monetarily support ideologies I have issues with. Also, some of the bands involved have agendas I can get behind - see, for example, the aforementioned Wolves in the Throne Room, who live on a farm in the pacific northwest because they don't like the modern world.

Agalloch is on eof my favorite bands. Amon Amarth = ace, especially Versus the World. The new one is pretty good, I guess, but a little overproduced. In terms of melodeath, have you heard Arsis? (and I'm assuming you've heard Dark Tranquillity, but otherwise, get on that :))

 I certainly listen to DT.  Arsis?  Never heard of them, but I'll definitely check them out.  What are your thoughts on Scar Symmetry?  I heard they're really good, with music in the vein of early Soilwork and (somewhat) In Flames.  I haven't had a chance to check them out yet.

Click here to see a list of what I usually listen to.  Got any good recommendations?   

Not into any specific type of metal specifically...I like a lot of bands across all subgenres. In Flames probably being my favorite...

...though Iced Earths new album rocks.

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I like Twisted Metal Black...

I used to listen to more Black Metal than I do now... But I still occasionally pop in Dark Funeral or Emperor for example.

Death and Thrash is what I listen to the most.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

yeah I call the kettle black.

oh wait...

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

tacoking said:
Not into any specific type of metal specifically...I like a lot of bands across all subgenres. In Flames probably being my favorite...

...though Iced Earths new album rocks.

 All Iced Earth rocks. Old, new, w/e.  It all kicks ass!

Sorry, I'm a bit of an IE fanboy. :P 

NJ5 said:
I used to listen to more Black Metal than I do now... But I still occasionally pop in Dark Funeral or Emperor for example.

Death and Thrash is what I listen to the most.

 Do you like Cryptopsy?  My death/thrasth knowledge isn't as good as my knowledge of other areas of metal...