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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I am finally getting a PS3 + Full HD TV

Kratos said:
@ Gameboy

I've always liked the sony consoles better. Because of the games. I mean I love god of war, killzone, mgs 4, jak and daxter. And i was really interested in resistance and Uncharted.

Most of those aren't out yet. Wouldn't it be worth waiting to see if you like the games before buying the console? It might be cheaper by then.

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You just said why would you want a ps3? Get a 360 instead since all the ps3 games are on it.

Then again this isnt a sony forum.



@ gameboy
True, but i would like fear, half-life box, ratchet as well. warhawk too. That is alot of hours for me.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Game Boy ,stop with your proselitizing please .Its kind of embarrasing .

PS3 is a great machine and has great games ,dont worry about that ,and coupled with a HD TV its the perfect match unlike the 360 .

Plus if you take into account the Live fees the PS3 is actually cheaper than the 360 .

Diomedes1976 said:
Game Boy ,stop with your proselitizing please .Its kind of embarrasing .

PS3 is a great machine and has great games ,dont worry about that ,and coupled with a HD TV its the perfect match unlike the 360 .

Plus if you take into account the Live fees the PS3 is actually cheaper than the 360 .

On the contrary, I am encouraging free thought with justification (e.g. wait or buy 360), unlike what would happen if it was in the Sony Forum. Religion, on the other hand, is just reinforcing preconcieved ideas.

As it happens, the topic creator has justifiably decided on a PS3. Good luck to him. I suggest Ratchet in addition to his list.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

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Assuming you like online multiplayer:

Get CoD 4, maybe Haze, definitely get Ratchet, I'm only getting a tiny bit bored three quaters through my second playthough, but only cause I don't like the pirate infiltration level (I cant be bothered to put the disguise on) and Warhawk. Rent Heavenly Sword

add me

CoD4, Ratchet, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword

your sig is kinda outdated Kratos

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Diomedes1976 said:
Game Boy ,stop with your proselitizing please .Its kind of embarrasing .

PS3 is a great machine and has great games ,dont worry about that ,and coupled with a HD TV its the perfect match unlike the 360 .

Plus if you take into account the Live fees the PS3 is actually cheaper than the 360 .

360 isn't a perfect match for HD?

*scratches head in confusion*

Anyway, Resistance is cool if you can find it cheap. My friend really enjoyed R&C and Folklore if you're into those kinds of games. Uncharted looks awesome and Assassin's Creed is really interesting, too. I'm a few hours in on the 360 version, but apparently I'm not playing it in HD (thanks for the heads-up, Dio) so you might want to check it out on the PS3. CoD4 is great and if you're into online, it has a fabulous ranking system that keeps you involved for quite some time.


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Warhawk is the must have online game and I suggest waiting to pick up Resistance since it will be one of the first platinum titles soon. I am probably the only one in the world who enjoys Lair and has no issues with the controls. It's hard for sure, but games are supposed to be hard and challenging in my opinion.

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