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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How come no one is talking about LA noire here?

The latest Game Informer magazine had a nice cover story about LA noire.  This game looks to be the biggest open-world game that Rockstar has ever made.  It features a nearly exact replica of 1940's era Los Angeles. 

The game is the first game, to date, to use a new kind of motion capture that does not require markers on the human body.  Actors are motion captured and the sensors can apparently capture from the surface of the body and then translate it directly into 3D with no animation required in between.  The result, supposedly, is the most realistic facial features in any video game.  The actors read their script and the result is directly translated into the game-- one could easily lip-synch what the character's are saming inside the game.  Over 300 actors were used for this game, and apparently they used Jay Leno's car collection to model the cars in the game.

Add in a nice murder style mystery on top of the usual Grand-Theft auto style gameplay, a few interogation techniques (some that kind of remind me of the Phoenix Wright style), reliance on the character's facial movements in order to interrogate them successfully, and a cool 1940's era radio soundtrack-- this game has the definite potential to be one of the best games of the year.

I think the graphics and motion capture technology, at the very least, will win this game a few awards. Uncharted 2 was a graphics beast, but the facial animations on the characters kind of left them with flat features and a certain lifelessness.  LA noire looks to easily take care of that problem. 

LA Noire is on my short list of most-wanted games for the year.  I am actually much more excited for this game than its more talked about cousin, Red Dead Redemption. 



Most anticipated games of 2011:

Uncharted 3,Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Rocksmith

Modern Warfare 3, Super Mario 3D


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I think it looks awesome, but until we see gameplay, you shouldn't expect it to get a lot of hype.

the games hype died long long long long ago and only is brought up rarely. last time it was talked about was concerning the GI article... now thats old news.

What is there really to say about it?

It's a Rockstar game so it's GTA but ____________! In this case, it's GTA but in the 1940's!


And that's really about it.

Not an exclusive + dearth of information = no hype.

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I can't wait to play it. Then again, Bully is my favorite Rockstar game since GTA III. The GTA series has worn thin with me.

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CommonMan said:
Not an exclusive + dearth of information = no hype.


CommonMan said:
Not an exclusive + dearth of information = no hype.

Spot on.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

I don't own a PS3, and I was intrigued by L.A. Noire before I learned it was announced for the 360.

Rockstar? Sandbox? Film Noir? Jazz? Sign me up!

Alasted said:
I don't own a PS3, and I was intrigued by L.A. Noire before I learned it was announced for the 360.

Rockstar? Sandbox? Film Noir? Jazz? Sign me up!

My sentiments exactly!  I want to play this game just to go to jazz clubs and watch old Hollywood movies in the in-game theatres.

That said, this game far exceeds the technology in every Rockstar game to date.  It is a huge game with the most realistic capture technology of any videogame ever.  It also has a central driving story, not just side missions like many of the GTA games.  I think LA Noire should be a huge hit. 
This game is on my short-list of most-anticipated games with Halo Reach, and Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Metroid: Other M. 


Most anticipated games of 2011:

Uncharted 3,Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Rocksmith

Modern Warfare 3, Super Mario 3D