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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect So Much potential for GOTY?

shio said:

Words Of Wisdom said:

KotOR 2 recycled almost every element of KotOR. Atton == Carth for example.

I actually played KotOR after KotOR 2 so I was pretty disappointed to see so much in common. They're both good games, but Obsidian dropped the ball with KotOR 2 the more I reflect upon it. In playing KotOR, I began to notice "Hmm that looks familiar. That too. These character remind me KotOR2, strange." Heck, the first level of both games is like Deja Vu, only Bioware doesn't make the player waste as much time there as Obsidian does.

Obsidian improved on several things, but they lacked originality.

Do research before you post, Obsidian were being pressured and only had 13 months to make Kotor 2 for the Xbox, while Bioware had 3 full years developing Kotor 1. They couldn't afford to be creative, as it spends resources and time that they didn't have. Bioware wouldn't have done better than Obsidian in such short time. If you want to really compare both games, then check the PC versions, Kotor 2 PC will change your mind then.

Do you really think that makes a difference?  What am I supposed to say to that? 

"Aw the poor babies, they didn't get enough time to make their game.  I'll pretend their game is better to make them happy."

Um, no.  I have no sympathy for Factor 5's screw with Lair, I have no sympathy for Obsidian's screw up with KotOR 2 (which is still a good game despite being almost a copy).

As for the PC versions, I own both and am anticipating the "fix" that will make KotOR 2 supposedly complete.

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Mass effect now on gamerankings has 20 reviews and is scoring only 93.2 so its unlikely to hit GOTY considering the high scores other games have gotten so far.

While that's a great score and everything, its kinda disappointing low (and likely to only go lower).

Looks like hype couldn't carry Mass Effect's review scores like it did the other games.

Eh, I think GOTY is subjective, and Mass Effect could get it still.

I think Game of the Year probably should/could come down to 1 thing:


If that was the case, you can ax:

SMG (recycled gameplay from SMS/SM64)
Halo 3 (recycled components from Halo 2)
The Orange Box (a compilation of old HL2 games)
God of War 2 (recycled components from God of War 1)

So that tends to leave:

Metroid Prime 3 (most likely)
Mass Effect

Atleast thats the way I'd hope it would go. Game of the Year should be picked due to innovation. Alot of reviewers trash games for re-hashed components if it's a new IP, but praise the same type of game for re-hashed components if it's the succuessor of a previous game (Blue Dragon's similarity to DQ/FF vs. Grand Thef Auto: San Andreas' similarity to Vice City)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Eh, I think GOTY is subjective, and Mass Effect could get it still.

I think Game of the Year probably should/could come down to 1 thing:


If that was the case, you can ax:

SMG (recycled gameplay from SMS/SM64)
Halo 3 (recycled components from Halo 2)
The Orange Box (a compilation of old HL2 games)
God of War 2 (recycled components from God of War 1)

So that tends to leave:

Metroid Prime 3 (most likely)
Mass Effect

Atleast thats the way I'd hope it would go. Game of the Year should be picked due to innovation. Alot of reviewers trash games for re-hashed components if it's a new IP, but praise the same type of game for re-hashed components if it's the succuessor of a previous game (Blue Dragon's similarity to DQ/FF vs. Grand Thef Auto: San Andreas' similarity to Vice City)


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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

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Bioshock ===>> recycled gameplay of SystemShock I/II

Is that why u are laughting dtewi ??
(just a question)

Time to Work !

libellule said:
Bioshock ===>> recycled gameplay of SystemShock I/II

Is that why u are laughting dtewi ??
(just a question)

Because he thinks Bioshock is innovative.

SMG doesn't have innovative gameplay but innovative level design.

And you can't have an innovative story in the game. Stories aren't innovative, they are original. You cannot set a standard for stories.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

mrstickball, did you just say that we should axe Mario Galaxy from Game of the Year discussion for lacking innovation, yet nominated Bioshock in its place?!

You may want to think that over a little more, my good sir.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

Bioshock is a new IP. Mario Galaxy is not. Even though BS does rely alot on System Shock's past feats (that went totally un-noticed), it still did enough with storytelling, graphics, gameplay, and such that were unique for a unique IP that should validate it.

The Mass Effect story is good, but the whole reason it has a good chance at GOTY is for story-telling. Don't you think that a game that changes the way conversations are held in a game, forever, is atleast a good bullet point vs. something like Halo 3?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.