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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect So Much potential for GOTY?

Lost tears of Kain said:

Your saying Kotor 2 was better then 1 by saying obsidian is better then bioware..... your opinion i guess.

Game informer xbox magazine and all the reviewers stated its one of the strongest storys in video games

xbox magazine said "its the best story ever seen in video games....period"

game informer: "it takes interactive story telling to new heights" "so captivating you will be counting the days to the sequal" " It made me feel emotions i had never felt in a video game before"

Now i wont argue that your opinion is right or wrong. But im just saying bioware is a fantastic story teller in the eyes of many reviewers and players.

 That's from a reviewer who probably was a star wars fan or never touched the best wRPG's of alltime. "it takes interactive story telling to new heights"?! On what sense? I did not see anything worth noting on Kotor that had not been done before and better. In Kotor you do little to shape the world, little freedom of choice and even in the dark/light side the only choice that truly impacts it is when you either decide to go to Bastila or not, near the ending.

 I would suggest that reviewer to check: Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment, Morrowind, Fallout series or even the newer games like Neverwinter Nights 2 or The Witcher.


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Fallout, now that is a great western style RPG.

Where's my fallout disc....

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shio said:
Lost tears of Kain said:

Your saying Kotor 2 was better then 1 by saying obsidian is better then bioware..... your opinion i guess.

For mass effect

Game informer xbox magazine and all the reviewers stated its one of the strongest storys in video games

xbox magazine said "its the best story ever seen in video games....period"

game informer: "it takes interactive story telling to new heights" "so captivating you will be counting the days to the sequal" " It made me feel emotions i had never felt in a video game before"

Now i wont argue that your opinion is right or wrong. But im just saying bioware is a fantastic story teller in the eyes of many reviewers and players.

 That's from a reviewer who probably was a star wars fan or never touched the best wRPG's of alltime. "it takes interactive story telling to new heights"?! On what sense? I did not see anything worth noting on Kotor that had not been done before and better. In Kotor you do little to shape the world, little freedom of choice and even in the dark/light side the only choice that truly impacts it is when you either decide to go to Bastila or not, near the ending.

 I would suggest that reviewer to check: Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment, Morrowind, Fallout series or even the newer games like Neverwinter Nights 2 or The Witcher.


opps i should of said in there they were talking mass effect, ill bold what it should say.

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Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
shio said:

Bioware have average writers and average writing, you only need to check Kotor's and Jade Empire's. Bioware hasn't been the same after Baldur's Gate 2.

 And as for The Witcher, it had no hype whatsoever, from an unknown polish developer, and still had a fair amount of great score: 9/10 Joystick, PC Jeux 90%, X6 6/6 are some that I can think of (which by the way, are not present in The game's negative points were just that the combat was a bit clunky and the graphics do not push PC standards (but it's graphics are still better than most PS3/360), but that's mostly because reviewers are harsher at PC games.

 NWN 2: Mask of the Betraye was developed by Obsidian, which has already been confirmed as a better RPG developer than Bioware: Kotor 2(Obsidian) was, bugs aside, superior to Kotor 1(Bioware) in every way; NWN2 (Obsidian) is vastly superior to NWN1 (Bioware)

In the future, it would be nice if you could put statements like the part I bolded near the top of your post so people can more easily discredit your post and stop reading it immediately.

I know loads of people who love the KOTOR series yet there seems to be one constant amongst them all... KOTOR1 is superior to KOTOR2. Gamerankings and Metacritic echo the same sentiment.

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it wont SMG will

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Mass effect looks like an amazinga game, but Gt gave it a 9.6 its not GOTY.


rocketpig said:
shio said:

Kotor 2(Obsidian) was, bugs aside, superior to Kotor 1(Bioware) in every way;

I know loads of people who love the KOTOR series yet there seems to be one constant amongst them all... KOTOR1 is superior to KOTOR2. Gamerankings and Metacritic echo the same sentiment.

KotOR 2 recycled almost every element of KotOR. Atton == Carth for example.

I actually played KotOR after KotOR 2 so I was pretty disappointed to see so much in common. They're both good games, but Obsidian dropped the ball with KotOR 2 the more I reflect upon it. In playing KotOR, I began to notice "Hmm that looks familiar. That too. These character remind me KotOR2, strange."  Heck, the first level of both games is like Deja Vu, only Bioware doesn't make the player waste as much time there as Obsidian does.

Obsidian improved on several things, but they lacked originality.

rocketpig said:
shio said:

Bioware have average writers and average writing, you only need to check Kotor's and Jade Empire's. Bioware hasn't been the same after Baldur's Gate 2.

And as for The Witcher, it had no hype whatsoever, from an unknown polish developer, and still had a fair amount of great score: 9/10 Joystick, PC Jeux 90%, X6 6/6 are some that I can think of (which by the way, are not present in The game's negative points were just that the combat was a bit clunky and the graphics do not push PC standards (but it's graphics are still better than most PS3/360), but that's mostly because reviewers are harsher at PC games.

NWN 2: Mask of the Betraye was developed by Obsidian, which has already been confirmed as a better RPG developer than Bioware: Kotor 2(Obsidian) was, bugs aside, superior to Kotor 1(Bioware) in every way; NWN2 (Obsidian) is vastly superior to NWN1 (Bioware)

In the future, it would be nice if you could put statements like the part I bolded near the top of your post so people can more easily discredit your post and stop reading it immediately.

I know loads of people who love the KOTOR series yet there seems to be one constant amongst them all... KOTOR1 is superior to KOTOR2. Gamerankings and Metacritic echo the same sentiment.

 Kotor 2 was vastly superior to Kotor 1 on PC, because of all the added content plus good multiple endings. So, Kotor 2 IS better than Kotor 1. Neverwinter Nights 1 had like 95% on average, yet NWN 2 is widely considered to be better than NWN1 ever was.


Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
shio said:

Kotor 2(Obsidian) was, bugs aside, superior to Kotor 1(Bioware) in every way;

I know loads of people who love the KOTOR series yet there seems to be one constant amongst them all... KOTOR1 is superior to KOTOR2. Gamerankings and Metacritic echo the same sentiment.

KotOR 2 recycled almost every element of KotOR. Atton == Carth for example.

I actually played KotOR after KotOR 2 so I was pretty disappointed to see so much in common. They're both good games, but Obsidian dropped the ball with KotOR 2 the more I reflect upon it. In playing KotOR, I began to notice "Hmm that looks familiar. That too. These character remind me KotOR2, strange." Heck, the first level of both games is like Deja Vu, only Bioware doesn't make the player waste as much time there as Obsidian does.

Obsidian improved on several things, but they lacked originality.

Do research before you post, Obsidian were being pressured and only had 13 months to make Kotor 2 for the Xbox, while Bioware had 3 full years developing Kotor 1. They couldn't afford to be creative, as it spends resources and time that they didn't have. Bioware wouldn't have done better than Obsidian in such short time. If you want to really compare both games, then check the PC versions, Kotor 2 PC will change your mind then.

Kotor 1 was way more original, but Kotor 2 kept the series strong and well. Kotor 2 did a great job making a good sequel that could compete with the original which is the developers goal for a sequel.


shio said:
rocketpig said:
shio said:

Bioware have average writers and average writing, you only need to check Kotor's and Jade Empire's. Bioware hasn't been the same after Baldur's Gate 2.

And as for The Witcher, it had no hype whatsoever, from an unknown polish developer, and still had a fair amount of great score: 9/10 Joystick, PC Jeux 90%, X6 6/6 are some that I can think of (which by the way, are not present in The game's negative points were just that the combat was a bit clunky and the graphics do not push PC standards (but it's graphics are still better than most PS3/360), but that's mostly because reviewers are harsher at PC games.

NWN 2: Mask of the Betraye was developed by Obsidian, which has already been confirmed as a better RPG developer than Bioware: Kotor 2(Obsidian) was, bugs aside, superior to Kotor 1(Bioware) in every way; NWN2 (Obsidian) is vastly superior to NWN1 (Bioware)

In the future, it would be nice if you could put statements like the part I bolded near the top of your post so people can more easily discredit your post and stop reading it immediately.

I know loads of people who love the KOTOR series yet there seems to be one constant amongst them all... KOTOR1 is superior to KOTOR2. Gamerankings and Metacritic echo the same sentiment.

Kotor 2 was vastly superior to Kotor 1 on PC, because of all the added content plus good multiple endings. So, Kotor 2 IS better than Kotor 1. Neverwinter Nights 1 had like 95% on average, yet NWN 2 is widely considered to be better than NWN1 ever was.

I love how you state your opinion as fact.

Your statement: "KOTOR2 is better than 1"

My rebuttal: "I've played both (on PC, I might add) and so have many of my friends. All of us seem to like KOTOR1 better and both GameRankings and Metacritic echo our sentiments."

Your rebuttal: "Kotor2 has multiple endings and therefore it IS better than KOTOR1."

Have you ever considered running for president of the debate club? You probably think Half-Life 2 is better than 1, too... even though it had 1/10th the impact on the industry but contained shiny new visuals, an extension of the same story, and lots of seesaw physics puzzles.

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