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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect So Much potential for GOTY?

5 days to go!

This is looking awesome.

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RPG of the year definitely. I generally don't like to label a single game as game of the year, because it's really extremely subjective. Besides, everyone knows Portal is the best. =P

Also wtf, that trailer just spoiled half the game for me. o_O

Now I know not to watch the trailer lol

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Mass Effect looks to be a great game, but it may be overhyped like KOTOR was. This year Mass Effect has some competition for RPGOTY such as The Witcher or NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer.

Storywise and writing/dialogue wise, Mass Effect will most likely be below The Witcher and NWN2:MotB. And it's combat is limited by the 360's pads. And I heard ME isn't a big length game?

I don't think Mass Effect will be the top contestant for RPGOTY. The Witcher will be, or MotB.

They game may be good but SMG already has my GoTY spot taken... The game gives me this feeling i've missed for a couple of years (last time was when i first played Windwaker, first time with Mario 64) 


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Personaly didnt like NWN. So not got much hope for the 2nd. The witcher? Never heard of it.

1up says its a 12 hour story..



That's a bonus for The Witcher, it's not as hyped.

It might be 12 hours but it's the first part of 3.
Does it matter about length? I read it's about 20 hours.

Mass Effect's dialogue is supposed to be its strongest quality, also the Witcher is in the 80s in scores, this isn't likely to go below 90%.

Even if the main quest is 10 hours, if it's great I'll be playing it many times over with different classes.

I'm pretty sure the game is 20-30 hours.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!