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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1 year 10 months and 20 days. RRoD!

All 360s will break (certainly if you drop them in lava)

Seriously, I though even the new elites and falcons have been having problems, which is why Jasper is being worked on

I'm glad I have my reliable PS3, although it did make a small whir after about 8 hours of on and off Ratchet after folding over night, but that was only for a second. After having my silent PS3, I'm not sure that I could go to a noisy 360 (but I really want ace combat) I saw a video comparing the sounds, but I'm sure it was fake, cause the 360 sounded like a jet aircraft

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I recall reading an article that stated where you could look on the box to determine what version of hardware the system contained. I'll see if I can find the link...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Hmm... I guess I was actually thinking of the "Zephyr" motherboard, as they printed an identifier right on a label on the packaging. The "Falcon" rev seems a bit more difficult to detect. Click the link for more info.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

selnor said:
Well apparantly the motherboard bends slighlty when getting really hot. ( Bad design). Breaks the solders. I was getting Elite anyway. Microsoft have supposed to have reinforced the motherboard design in the new models. So Elite should be fine. Annoying though hey.

The elite still has the same rrod problems. All MS did was put some epoxy/glue stuff on the gpu to try and fix the problem, but apparently it wasn't enough.

You could try getting an Xbox 360 with a Falcon motherboard, but it would have to be a 360 with a very recent release date to be one of those - and even still, their reliability hasn't been proven yet. (they are still too new) Go here for a list of things to check for to be fairly sure that the console you are looking at is the falcon revision.


Once MS finally fixes their shoddy design problems I'd probably get a 360 very soon - but I will abstain from buying one until that happens.

Munkeh said:

All 360s will break (certainly if you drop them in lava)

Seriously, I though even the new elites and falcons have been having problems, which is why Jasper is being worked on

I'm glad I have my reliable PS3, although it did make a small whir after about 8 hours of on and off Ratchet after folding over night, but that was only for a second. After having my silent PS3, I'm not sure that I could go to a noisy 360 (but I really want ace combat) I saw a video comparing the sounds, but I'm sure it was fake, cause the 360 sounded like a jet aircraft

I think they still have problems, but its been lessed quite a bit i heard, and jasper to do that even more.

Its not really a problem that much and i dont worry to much if mine breaks, sure it will be gone 2-3 weeks, but its all free.

Its loud but not that loud, half the time i dont knowtice it during games

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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But Leo's friends!

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Microsoft's quality control on X-Box 360 units is crap. If they cared about the consumer at all then this problem would have been solved a year ago. If it's not the RRoD it's the disc drives..... Microsoft want's to make money off their software licensing fees. A good plan, but if you don't have any working units to buy software for, it's kinda counter productive.

If I sound like a PS3/Wii fanboy, than you are correct. I am, but not by choice. 3 different hardware malfunctions in 2 years is totally unacceptable. My last unit died 4 days after Project Gotham 4 came out - October 8th.

My suggestion: when your 360 breaks down on you, just buy another non Microsoft console. Sure Mass Effect will kick ass, but I'll live.....and so can you.

leo-j said:
selnor said:
^Can you prove that?

No I cannot, but all 360's overheat if you play for more than 7 hours straight.

lol. No. Seriously, come on.

I'm not trying to start anything, but you call another guy a liar in another thread for saying that the Wii sold fast at a Toy's R Us, and then you say this? Not to mention that you said "all" 360s will die in 10 years, when it's only existed for 2... I'm not trying to be a dick, but just stop.

selnor said:
Well apparantly the motherboard bends slighlty when getting really hot. ( Bad design). Breaks the solders. I was getting Elite anyway. Microsoft have supposed to have reinforced the motherboard design in the new models. So Elite should be fine. Annoying though hey.

Still I owned 2 snes due to failiure.
3 Dreamcast
3 PS2
2 N64.
All due to failiure.

I got bad luck or what. I do use my consoles about 20 -25 hours a week though.

 YOu have some serious bad luck.  My launch N64 is working flawlessly.  Actually, i was just playing MK64 on my new tv with my nephew.  I don't knwo what resoultion the N64 put out, but it sure wasn't 480i.  It looked like crap on my new XBR4, worse than anything else I've tried yet.

So far, the only system I've ever had problems with was the ps2.  I got the DREs about 3 years after I got mine (got it 6 months after the NA launch), but my repaired one worked fine until I sold it for my ps3.

My N64, GC, ps1, GBC, Wii, and ps3 have all worked flawlessly.