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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1 year 10 months and 20 days. RRoD!

Woke up this morning to find my 360 freeze and produce the famous RRoD!


Mass Effect is ut in 7 days!

Well at least I have excuse to get my Elite now.

(Cry's then gets girlfriend up to beg her to go to town.) sniff.

Around the Network

I was playing some co-op Gears with a friend last night and the game froze mid-level, so I shut it off and we were going to move on to some Bioshock. I turned the system back on, and there was no video output. I tried it again and.... RRoD.

Second time in just over a year.


Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

*Pats Xbox 360*

Love ya babez.



Well apparantly the motherboard bends slighlty when getting really hot. ( Bad design). Breaks the solders. I was getting Elite anyway. Microsoft have supposed to have reinforced the motherboard design in the new models. So Elite should be fine. Annoying though hey.

Still I owned 2 snes due to failiure.
3 Dreamcast
3 PS2
2 N64.
All due to failiure.

I got bad luck or what. I do use my consoles about 20 -25 hours a week though.

3 PS2s

I think that in Assassins Creed, they should have reveiled the spoiler half way through and your screen fuzzes then goes blue and the red rings flash up for a few seconds and beeps loudly, before all is revieled

add me

Around the Network

You got it just before Mass Effect I got it just before Bioshock came out, pretty lame.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Ouch. My 360 doesn't really get used all that much, and I've never had any other systems break down. Well, the SNES stopped working when I was about 14, but my dad opened it up and fixed it (!). I still have no idea how he did that. It works to this day.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I take care of my stuff to. Not a scratch on any of my discs. And my consoles dont get moved about.

Dreamcast was the worst.
I bought it and 2 weeks later it would start a game and then go straight back to the console menu.
PS2 was dvd drives.
N64 just didnt work dont know why?
Snes the same?

Just lost my 360 tonight, too. Assassin's Creed killed it :( This is my 3rd RROD in 9 months.

Other than that I've been pretty lucky as far as systems go, never had one die on me.

Now computer power supplies on the other hand ...

Jeez. All these posts make me REAL glad I don't have a 360 - even though I really want one.

The temp is rather toasty now in Melbourne - getting hard to sleep :(

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