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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What are YOU getting in march? God of war 3 or Final Fantasy XIII?


What are YOU getting in march? God of war 3 or Final Fantasy XIII?

GOW3! 60 28.85%
FFXIII PS3 43 20.67%
FFXIII 360 15 7.21%
Both! I win. :) 65 31.25%
Neither... 25 12.02%

I'll get both. I'll finish GOW in 2 days and then I'll start FFXIII

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Pokemon.........but I'll just play my bro in law's copy of GOW3



Fragile Dreams. :D

getting the Chinese version of FF13 in May so it's pretty obvious on my part.


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I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I...I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge


FFXIII PS3 (and maybe RoF).. God of War when its cheaper.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Both, I just preordered them yesterday.

None. I'm getting HeartGold.

Maneco's Hall of Lame
As of October 2010 and, hopefully, until the end of times





Notable Mentions (a.k.a. "Games I Played and Hated")

The Legend of Zelda:
Ocarina of Time

Pokémon Channel

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

both!!!! I WIN!!!! also getting Heart Gold