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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Nintendo should handle pricing of the Wii

Nintendo wont be able to release another game that you can only get bundles with a remote, many people will have bought 4 remotes and would be pissed if they wanted the game.

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stof said:
Here's how I think Nintendo should handle their pricing.

Jack the price of a Wii up 50 bucks and laugh maniacally.

Then begin to unbundle things until it's just a blank white box: stand £10, Wii Sports £50, cables £20, manual £5, stick-on Wii logo £5, Gamecube ports £10 each and remove the flash memory dorcing people to buy Nintendo-approved SD cards at £20 each.

Then announce a "Premium" model with everything except Wii Sports at £500 and an "Elite" with Wii Sports and a black finish at £1,250.

No such thing as bad publicity, eh?


Mocking the constant reorganisation of Xbox 360 and PS3 SKUs...

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They're still not meeting demand at this point. A price drop in the near future would be madness on their part, and make the short supply even more apparent. Once we start seeing Wiis sitting on store shelves for more than .35 seconds they may begin to consider it.

Keep in mind they're not Sony or Microsoft, I'm not sure how much they make per console, but that will be the biggest factor. Their consoles have to make a profit.

thats a good idea but it would be better for them to get to 200$ earlier

I agree with Soriku. And as for Stof they very well could get away with such a stunt and still squeek by a win on this generation.

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i wish they launch the colored wiis faster so we get to find out how much more people are willing for pay for various colors (from ebay data).

the Wii is an epidemic.

I think they should bring price down next week. So I get more games with it for christmas. LOL I want my Wii!!! SMG the god of Platform.

stof said:
Here's how I think Nintendo should handle their pricing.

Jack the price of a Wii up 50 bucks and laugh maniacally.

Its ironic, but I think their biggest mistake was selling the Wii $50 too cheap at launch.

Its great to setup "sentiment" - but 10m at $50 has cost them $500m to date (might have only worked in the US though).


I don't think the bundle should change, or include anything else.

They keep the price at $250 - at least for all of this year.

Lots of games/peripherals to purchase.

They could bring out an "enhanced Wii" (maybe more internal storage, more stuff preloaded? - the 2.0 motherboard design) - then price that at $279, and drop the normal Wii to $229.

Another obvious change - just include a 500WiiPoints card with each Wii. Not only is it a easy selling point/package change - it encourages people to jump online. 


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

I do think they will pack in WiiFit, but it'll be awhile before they get to that and they won't be packing in all of that other stuff along with it. Fall 2008 is the soonest that pack-in would begin, mostly because they'll still be making too much money off the system at its current price-point next Spring. They'll save the pack-in until sales start to drop some.

It would be enormous waste of potential to pack SMG in with the system at really any point in time. WiiPlay also seems like it'll never be a pack-in with the system because it really is a pack-in already. It nets them an extra $10 off of a control while simultaneously giving people a reason to buy that second controller sooner. Honestly, I'd expect to see XBow Training as a packin with the Zapper first.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Pricing is driven by demand and competition, as we had the opportunity of seeing during this year (albeit with another console). If you want to predict pricing changes, you have to predict customer demand first.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957