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Blacksaber said:
Viper1 said:
Mazty said:

If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title? 

Oh my. 

You know, it's not bundled in Japan.  And how does that relate given the bundling of the original Mario Brothers game on the NES?

I'm sorry man but all your points are blunt.   You act as though only your ideology of video games and what they constitute as is the only concept that is correct or that should exist.

Enjoy your games and all that but keep the eletist ideologies out. 


Agree with you with all my heart. Also I keep forgetting what part of the Industry are you?

I'm part of the media.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Around the Network
BoleroOfFire said:
Mazty said:
BoleroOfFire said:
Hmm...where did I read about the Wii being a toy before? ::looks at sig:: Ohhhhhh!

@Mazty: lol. What year are you trapped in? Join us in 2010 where the Wii has crushed sales records. A greater amount of people are buying it therefore it has the most appealing library. You silly, you!


If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title?
Learn what shovel ware is and come back to reality. Hopefully this will be the year the wii sales start to fall and gaming won't just be about advertising.

Because that's one of the appealing titles from it's library...along with the 20 million sellers, 10 million sellers, 5 million sellers, 1 million sellers etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lmao! Aside from Nintendo's franchises, which Wii games have heavy advertising?  Btw, do you need a hankie?


Oh wow how many years since release and they haven't improved, because that is what it boils down to, on one of their release titles.

Imagine if the PS3 was still being bundled with Resistance 1, of the 360 with Full Auto. Since then their have been many far better titles. Oh look, same can't be said about the wii.

Mazty said:
Pyro as Bill said:
Mazty said:
BoleroOfFire said:
Hmm...where did I read about the Wii being a toy before? ::looks at sig:: Ohhhhhh!

@Mazty: lol. What year are you trapped in? Join us in 2010 where the Wii has crushed sales records. A greater amount of people are buying it therefore it has the most appealing library. You silly, you!


If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title?
Learn what shovel ware is and come back to reality. Hopefully this will be the year the wii sales start to fall and gaming won't just be about advertising.

Yeah if only Nintendo would show people playing the game instead of having to use sensationalism like shooting prostitutes and gunning down innocent civilians.

As for LBP V NSMB. If you like floaty physics you can always flutter with Yoshi so there is no need for LBP apart from amateur content.


Wow congratulations on possibly the most inane thread I've read this year so far.

GTA is not about sensationalism; it's about doing in a game what you can't do in life - blurring the boundaries and letting go of reality for a bit. How you have linked that into advertising I don't know because last I checked GTA4 wasn't sold under the tagline of "GTA4 - Killing hookers and civilians IN HIGH DEFINITION!", but the wii advert's do tend not to show the product they are selling. Read that last part again "Not showing the product they are selling".

LBP has far better level design (Hollywood-esque chase sequences, mix of platforming and some quick vehicle sections etc) better (more advanced) physics engine, online play and customisation of almost everything.
NSMBW is just the SNES version with better graphics and a few little additions, like the suits  - it's something that wouldn't have been out of place on the PS1.

Most people agree that New Super Mario Bros. is a better game than any PS3 game though. You're just weird like that.

Mazty your argueing for the sake of argueing. You seem to think that your point of view is the only one. Its not worth argueing with somone who is self centered like that. We end up in a endless cycle

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Mazty said:
BoleroOfFire said:
Mazty said:
BoleroOfFire said:
Hmm...where did I read about the Wii being a toy before? ::looks at sig:: Ohhhhhh!

@Mazty: lol. What year are you trapped in? Join us in 2010 where the Wii has crushed sales records. A greater amount of people are buying it therefore it has the most appealing library. You silly, you!


If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title?
Learn what shovel ware is and come back to reality. Hopefully this will be the year the wii sales start to fall and gaming won't just be about advertising.

Because that's one of the appealing titles from it's library...along with the 20 million sellers, 10 million sellers, 5 million sellers, 1 million sellers etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lmao! Aside from Nintendo's franchises, which Wii games have heavy advertising?  Btw, do you need a hankie?


Oh wow how many years since release and they haven't improved, because that is what it boils down to, on one of their release titles.

Imagine if the PS3 was still being bundled with Resistance 1, of the 360 with Full Auto. Since then their have been many far better titles. Oh look, same can't be said about the wii.

Do you know what an introduction is?   Now imagine buying a book a few years after fir publication but the introduction is missing and replaced with anotehr chapter from the middle of the story instead.

Point is, it's bundled to this day for a very valid reason.  It works like an introduction to gesture based gaming for Wii.  Is that an understandable reason for you?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Around the Network
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:


What are the HD consoles doing which couldn't have been done before? Easy - the HD consolea are giving me a more immersive gaming experience, as well as improving on ideas from the last generation. For example, Resistance 2 I'll compare to a similar run and gun shooter of last gen I loved - Red Faction 2. For me both single player parts were meh, but R2's still better as it looke dnicer, more variation in enemy, better AI, good array of weapons and so on. Now for the MP, R2 gives me a great online feature, with great map desing which does away with camping spots. Also the idea of moving spawn points and a fully balanced weapon system gives R2 a good stride over RF2 both technically and in ideas (balancing all weapons, moving spawn points etc). Some of it could have been achieved last gen, but hardly all of it, meaning an improvement in hardware allows for a game to be potentially better. Same can be said of Motorstorm 2, where the physics engine couldn't have been achieved on last gens hardware. Want a good comparison, just look at Killzone 1 & 2.


SSBB is just frantic button mashing - something that became boring to me once I realised repetition was boring as hell.
Its only a button masher if you play it like one. It involves tons of skill. Oh wait your a beginner
MK: Wii. Yes blue shells do. Unless you hang back in 2nd until the last few closing seconds, you are going to be knocked back a lot due to the blue shell - all it serves to do is slow down the leader, hardly making the game about skill, but just sheer luck.
Blue shells don't pop up commonly
NSMBW: Oh yeah LBP didn't have online play...oh wait. Smooth move, sherlock. Point is NSMBW does nothing new at all and the multiplayer was annoying as hell due to having to be on the same screen and bouncing off of each other.
NSMBW uses motion controls in a way that couldn't been done on other systems

The wheel has lag to it making it Mario Kart an exercise in frustration rather than precision driving.
You seem to suck at it than

How the hell does the wii push the way we play games? By making us jack-off air?? No, what changes how we play are games which come up with new innovations to genres, such as Halo:CE, GTA3 or Gears of War. All the wii has done, other than with Mario Galaxy, is make close to carbon copies of GC titles and given them a different controller. Yeah because that makes the games so much better!

Also I have sopme respones in your quote

@ Big letters

Tell me when you inverse what kind of things do you mean?

@ Black
Your telling me that if for some reason I wanted to put this game on the X box. I couldn't do it because of wepons and stuff?
You seem to confuse gameplay with graphics. Of course you'll get better physics in stronger hardware.
Online could've been done on X box. Don't bring that up. Map design is limited by the person not the hardware. Fully balanced weapons could be done only on HD systems how?

Your telling me that the wii is copying the GC? Nice. Unless your a game that couldn't take advantage of the motion control. There are no games on wii that could be done on the GC. Its nice when people say that nintendo games are copies. Yet isn't every sequal? Wii improves FPS.
That's one genre that's big on HD systems. It can improve in gameplay. That's what Zelda Wii is going to be about. A revolution. I bet my hgouse that Zelda wii will be game that uses Motion + so well that porting on other systems and keeping its quality will be near impoosible

Inverse? Read again - immersive.

Learn what the CPU has to do in a game with moving spawn points and larger maps, as well as many players on said map at once. Online has been improved this generation, look at MAG as an example. What wonderous mass online titles does the wii have?

Actually just answer what has the wii done for gaming? As I said the PS3 and 360 have titles which show new and improved ideas and genres. What has the wii contributed?

Blue shells don't pop up commonly? BS. I've played it enough to know at least a good handful pop up over the course of every race and that's enough to knock someone from 1st to 8th through nothing but bad luck. Great game that.

So the added height with a jump makes the game that much better? Don't kid yourself, it could have been easily implemented by pressing a a button at a set time, or SIX-AXIS.

Light gun + every single rail shooter on wii = PS2, 360 or GC compatible.

How does the wii improve FPS? A light gun is hardly a new concept...Something tells me you really don't know your games outside of the wii.

I'll take you up on that bet but sadly I think you've still many years to go before you move out on your own let alone owning your own house.

Viper1 said:
Mazty said:
BoleroOfFire said:
Mazty said:
BoleroOfFire said:
Hmm...where did I read about the Wii being a toy before? ::looks at sig:: Ohhhhhh!

@Mazty: lol. What year are you trapped in? Join us in 2010 where the Wii has crushed sales records. A greater amount of people are buying it therefore it has the most appealing library. You silly, you!


If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title?
Learn what shovel ware is and come back to reality. Hopefully this will be the year the wii sales start to fall and gaming won't just be about advertising.

Because that's one of the appealing titles from it's library...along with the 20 million sellers, 10 million sellers, 5 million sellers, 1 million sellers etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lmao! Aside from Nintendo's franchises, which Wii games have heavy advertising?  Btw, do you need a hankie?


Oh wow how many years since release and they haven't improved, because that is what it boils down to, on one of their release titles.

Imagine if the PS3 was still being bundled with Resistance 1, of the 360 with Full Auto. Since then their have been many far better titles. Oh look, same can't be said about the wii.

Do you know what an introduction is?   Now imagine buying a book a few years after fir publication but the introduction is missing and replaced with anotehr chapter from the middle of the story instead.

Point is, it's bundled to this day for a very valid reason.  It works like an introduction to gesture based gaming for Wii.  Is that an understandable reason for you?

What kind of brain dead idiot needs an introduction to "move your hand, it generally moves with it".

Plus thats a BS excuse, otherwise the PS3 and 360 would be bundled with simple games to "introduce" people to gaming, not the likes of Gears of War and Uncharted 2. Oh wait, that's what a tutorial is for.

Did he really just use LBP's physics as an example of great power? Haha. The platforming is so floaty and imprecise, and the funny thing is, it's that way because of the online mode. It compensates for lag. There's no such compensation in a Mario game though, and you could land yourself on a penny with ease. In LBP it would be more luck than anything else.

So in effect, the console being a powerhouse capable of great online feats has caused the game to be cut back from what it might be, whereas the console that didn't go for the online mode has the perfect platforming. Funny isn't it?


milkyjoe said:
Did he really just use LBP's physics as an example of great power? Haha. The platforming is so floaty and imprecise, and the funny thing is, it's that way because of the online mode. It compensates for lag. There's no such compensation in a Mario game though, and you could land yourself on a penny with ease. In LBP it would be more luck than anything else.

So in effect, the console being a powerhouse capable of great online feats has caused the game to be cut back from what it might be, whereas the console that didn't go for the online mode has the perfect platforming. Funny isn't it?

I'm sorry how are you measuring their physics, with your imaginary physics measuring tool kit?
I've never had lag online so no idea what you are on about and last I checked the physics was there because it makes a lot of work with it whether it's blasting you on a rocket or blowing up something. There's no online mode in Mario - end of.

Do you have any proof it has your floaty physics engine because of lag or that just speculation wrapped to look like fact? As for perfect platforming, I hardly think making a game which wouldn't have been out of place 15 years ago constitutes as perfect.

Viper1 said:
Mazty said:

If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title? 

Oh my. 

You know, it's not bundled in Japan.  And how does that relate given the bundling of the original Mario Brothers game on the NES?

I'm sorry man but all your points are blunt.   You act as though only your ideology of video games and what they constitute as is the only concept that is correct or that should exist.

Enjoy your games and all that but keep the eletist ideologies out. 


And you know it's not sold just in Japan....

Gaming has come along way since the NES era so totally irrelvant point - back then people were happy to pay £50 for a game that lasted 3 hours.

I hardly think it is elitest to insist on improvement with every generation and hope that consoles sell due to quality, not clever marketting.