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Viper1 said:
Mazty said:

If it's library is so appealing, why is it still being bundled with it's release title? 

Oh my. 

You know, it's not bundled in Japan.  And how does that relate given the bundling of the original Mario Brothers game on the NES?

I'm sorry man but all your points are blunt.   You act as though only your ideology of video games and what they constitute as is the only concept that is correct or that should exist.

Enjoy your games and all that but keep the eletist ideologies out. 


And you know it's not sold just in Japan....

Gaming has come along way since the NES era so totally irrelvant point - back then people were happy to pay £50 for a game that lasted 3 hours.

I hardly think it is elitest to insist on improvement with every generation and hope that consoles sell due to quality, not clever marketting.