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Forums - Gaming Discussion - anyone else notice that the top 3 in gamerankings are nintendo games

makingmusic476 said:
OoT should so be #1 still

no i think smg deserves it

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Onimusha12 said:

Nintendo's games really are some of the best when it comes to quality and broad appeal. Pity there are people who feel threatened by this. Typically when reviews like these favor 360 or PS3 games, they're hailed as god's truth but when a trend like this emerges in favor of Nintendo we suddenly have to reminded that reviewers have biases too and personal taste is a discerning factor. *shakes head* Ah, the games we play on these forums.

If its any piece of mind, reviews like these are little more than bragging rights, not the make or break of a console's future.


Erik Aston said:
Reviewers do have a bias towards certain styles, which no doubt effects the all-time rankings. But I'm not surprised that Legend11 can't just take this for what it is, and feels the need to point out the existence of personal taste as if no one knew such a thing existed.

I personally think Metroid Prime is far from the "third best game of all time," but I understand its ranking. Remember that in the NES/SNES generations, the Metroid franchise was second only to Zelda in it's impact on free-roaming games. Metroid and Super Metroid were platformers where you weren't tied to a path or a succession of levels, but had to explore an open world to discover how to progress through it. Both are considered massive landmarks, and if you check "best game ever" lists from various enthusiast websites and magazines, you'll often see Super Metroid ranked as the #1 game of all time. Metroid Prime was said to perfectly recreate the brilliance of Metroid in 3D, and fittingly ended up ranked below only Zelda in 3D.

yep i agree on the metroid part

Rubang B said:
You can prefer Sony or Microsoft or any 3rd party dev., but to actively hate Nintendo is insane. They are gaming. They are the Beatles of game design. The cadillac of games, the champagne of games, the David Bowie of games. They can do everything.

Nintendo IS video games.

My personal list would be crazy different though, and would probably have SMB1, SMB3, Link's Awakening, Melee, Portal, StarCraft, Half-Life, Wii Sports, and Katamari at the top.

I was with you until David Bowie...


There's always some bias from reviewers, and not always because of their personal preference for games. Sometimes, they look at things with too closed a mind, or look for too much out of a game. Sometimes, they just don't have time, and a deadline hanging on their shoulders forces them to not really try and get familiar with a game. There are always people who will let their own bias show up in their end result. Some may be much better with controlling that bias and really enjoying a game not of the type they might typically play. In effect, Nintendo, Sony, MS all have their own fanboys in the review houses, so it'll end up showing it's head here and there. Which is why, ultimately, reviews are only useful to those who really don't know much about a game and can't get a hands-on test of it.

That being said, Nintendo has always been about gaming, and gaming only. They are usually not ones to rush something out to meet a deadline, they usually do quite well with polish and gameplay. And most their games have always had a much broader appeal. If you want to pretend they're kiddie, that's fine. Let me know when you yourself grow up.

The one downside to Nintendo being such a powerhouse of development, as well as having been around so long, they carry with them a weighted nostalgia factor. A lot of gamers my age and older can at least look back and say 'Yeah, I remember playing Mario Bros with my buddies.' And (I'd sure as hell hope...) a lot of reviewers, news types are probably around my age or a little older, so while they might be biased towards whichever platform they might currently like, there's always a chance that nostalgia pulls some weight when they review things.

Having played more than half of the games on that list, I can see why they are there. They're all great games. Soul Calibur is an awesome fighter. Prime was one of the best translations from 2D-to-3D ever. Mario and Zelda on the 64 were excellent adventures. Even down into the top 20, the ones I've played are great, and I'd love to play the rest of those too. Everyone's welcome to have their own treasures, and games that they love. There's a lot of games I'm surprised aren't on there... Quake, Super Smash Bros, not a single Mega Man title. Katamari? But you can't deny the power of these excellent titles too.


Ultimately, it is all a matter of opinion. HOWEVER. If you let something as stupid as a genre or manufacturer of the game set your opinion of something before you've even tried it, then you honestly shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. If all you do is play MMOs, and you want to sound off about how X game sucks just because it's something you'd never play... then that person needs to try some new shit. Nobody's going to care what someone's list is, if their preference is so narrow it couldn't possibly have things in common with their own likes.

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Just want to say guys, these are some of the most thought out posts I have ever seen on an internet forum. Props to everyone, really.

Legend11 said:
I don't think you can just look at the total score of the game and say it's the best game ever, or the second best, or third best, etc... Do you think if you put Metroid Prime 3 in front of someone who hates shooters and is into MMORPG that they would say MP3 is "better" than WoW? What about someone who only likes sports game and hates rpgs, action/adventure, etc, do you think they would feel Zelda:OOT is better than the games they play?

I don't think someone who hates shooters, RPGs, action/adventure, etc. has a proper appreciation for video games as entertainment.  You can't have a meaningful opinion on "the best game of all time" if you limit yourself to only enjoying MMORPGs or only enjoying sports games.  I'm not saying there's something wrong with people who only like sports games, I'm just saying their opinion is going to carry very little weight for anyone who takes video games more seriously.  If you only like sports games, then you can name a best sports game of all time.

I think it's neat that each of the top three games is from a different console.

N64 > Ocarina of Time

Gamecube > Metroid Prime

Wii > Super Mario Galaxy 

Brawl FC: 4296-2855-3469

Rubang B said:
You can prefer Sony or Microsoft or any 3rd party dev., but to actively hate Nintendo is insane. They are gaming. They are the Beatles of game design. The cadillac of games, the champagne of games, the David Bowie of games. They can do everything.

Nintendo IS video games.

My personal list would be crazy different though, and would probably have SMB1, SMB3, Link's Awakening, Melee, Portal, StarCraft, Half-Life, Wii Sports, and Katamari at the top.

Not everyone likes the same thing.  I could post that people who don't like western rpgs are insane and it's about as legitimate as you saying that people who don't like platformers or whatever are insane.

Nintendo is video games is a ridiculous statement so I probably shouldn't even have bothered to reply to your post.

I bet if they replaced the Mario characters from SMG, put in characters from another franchise.... say.... Sonic and put it on the Wii, under the name SSG, with the same gameplay, the game would not have had early as much hype or good ratings.