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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I don't think Wii will suffer much from shortages this holiday season

Well you forget about one key factor and that is you can make 1.8 million a month but that doesn't mean all will be shipped from factory to Nintendo in that time period. Or even if that will be shipped from Nintendo to retailer. Or even further if it'll make it to the retailers in that time period as well during shipments.

There's a lot more variables than simply making it. They make it in factories and the next moment in just doesn't appear in the stores. Nintendo is not going to be able to meet demand really even if they had 10 million available for this holiday season. It'll pretty much be sold out.

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cdude1034 said:
abroZ said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
I think Wii will sell far more than 1.2 in Japan, Wii fit will probabaly drive 2 million + in sales this december i nJapan, probably pushing Wii to sell out all over the country, and we already know it'll outsell in NA and Europe, so I disagree I think it will be sold out by the 20th of decmber

Three months ago, I also would have thougt Wii to sell 2 million + in Japan. But now the Wii is selling 30-35k a week in Japan, pretty slow (not to mention the other consoles). If this is the case for the rest of november (let's say wii will do 50k a week, and i'm being optimistic now), Wii should sell 185k-200k for the whole month, leaving 1 million consoles for december. Then when Wii Fit comes out, and sales will spike for sure, I think for Wii to go from 50k a week to an average of 200k-300k is a fair and plausible increase.

to cdude1034: are you being sarcastic about my grammar/spelling skills? Because I'm not Englisch or American, If my language doesn't sufface to your standards you can always correct me. If i'm interpreting your comment wrong, sorry for that, no offence.

No, no sarcasm. Your OP was a well thought out and grammatically correct post, and I congratulate you for it. Especially with you not being English or American.

Here are my thoughts, Nintendo for a little while now has been diverting units from Japan to the US in anticipation for SMG, as shown by the decrease in sales in Japan, and the increase in the US.

Agree or disagree?

 If that is posed to anyone, I disagree....slightly. 

I think the redirection of units is a result of slowed sales not the other way around.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Zucas said:
Well you forget about one key factor and that is you can make 1.8 million a month but that doesn't mean all will be shipped from factory to Nintendo in that time period. Or even if that will be shipped from Nintendo to retailer. Or even further if it'll make it to the retailers in that time period as well during shipments.

There's a lot more variables than simply making it. They make it in factories and the next moment in just doesn't appear in the stores. Nintendo is not going to be able to meet demand really even if they had 10 million available for this holiday season. It'll pretty much be sold out.

I'm not 100% clear on Nintendo's production procedures but I do believe that the factories dump directly into the supply chain and there shouldn't be any stop at Nintendo along the way.


edit: I do however still agree that it is more complicated than people realize and also that they will likely not meet demand this holiday.  

To Each Man, Responsibility

sqrl- for the second part yea that's all I'm really trying to say. It's not just like they make it and magically it appears in the stores. Alot more process in that where constants such as here could be thrown off.

Not to mention I think we've done this before and doing it now in really underestimating the demand for Wii. I mean we all though it would stop being sold out by Summer and we were proved wrong on that then. So I think we've all should have learned by now not to underestimate the sure demand for the Wii, especially being one of the hottest items on the overall market this holiday season.

I'd say 4.7 Million Wii consoles may just be enough to satisfy the holiday Wii cravings... USA

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

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Zucas said:
Well you forget about one key factor and that is you can make 1.8 million a month but that doesn't mean all will be shipped from factory to Nintendo in that time period. Or even if that will be shipped from Nintendo to retailer. Or even further if it'll make it to the retailers in that time period as well during shipments.

There's a lot more variables than simply making it. They make it in factories and the next moment in just doesn't appear in the stores. Nintendo is not going to be able to meet demand really even if they had 10 million available for this holiday season. It'll pretty much be sold out.

 However this is offset by the ones made and shipped last month.

If they can make 1.8M a month then they can ship 1.8M a month. 

omgwtfbbq said:
I'd say 4.7 Million Wii consoles may just be enough to satisfy the holiday Wii cravings... USA

it would have done more if ssbb didnt get delayed