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Zucas said:
Well you forget about one key factor and that is you can make 1.8 million a month but that doesn't mean all will be shipped from factory to Nintendo in that time period. Or even if that will be shipped from Nintendo to retailer. Or even further if it'll make it to the retailers in that time period as well during shipments.

There's a lot more variables than simply making it. They make it in factories and the next moment in just doesn't appear in the stores. Nintendo is not going to be able to meet demand really even if they had 10 million available for this holiday season. It'll pretty much be sold out.

I'm not 100% clear on Nintendo's production procedures but I do believe that the factories dump directly into the supply chain and there shouldn't be any stop at Nintendo along the way.


edit: I do however still agree that it is more complicated than people realize and also that they will likely not meet demand this holiday.  

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