Xoj said:
jarrod said:
Dampfi said:
Sony cut the PS2 price when they did not need it!? What is Big N doing with both the Wii and the DS then
They cut price competitively, but last gen even Sony was criticized for not dropping prices fast enough.
Nintendo's a whole different ballgame though, yeah. They're actually raising prices on DS through model updates.
i find abit since they were wiping the floor the whole gen, they could have the price 199$-150$ for a year longer, and still finish first.
but nintendo was holding at 250$ at much as they could, and they did drop the price recenly on slim cut and 360 cut, u may say they may not need it, but their Year 2009 forecast says otherwise.
Oh sure, Sony could held pricepoints longer, and still would've remained a distant 1st, but they'd have sold much less. They didn't drop because competitors were beating them, they dropped to move more units. Wii could stayed at $249 and still stayed 1st as well.
The $199 drop in early/mid 2002 was really to throw the (just recently launched) GameCube and Xbox off though. I think GC at least would've done quite a bit better had Nintendo been able to maintain the $100 barrier longer.