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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Atlus announces upcoming 360 games.

mrstickball said:
Carlos -

The reason I said that is for every single RPG you've mentioned coming out for the Wii, I don't see one that'll sell over 1 million units.

The Wii RPGs, thus far, lack any sort of quality. Exactly what one is going to be huge? Pokemon is first party, and hasn't sold well on consoles since day one. Final Fantasty Spinoffs never do awesome, and the rest might end up like Dragon Fable or Zack & Wiki.

Half of the X360 RPGs are mediocre like the Wii titles, but then you have Fable, Fallout, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, and Last Remnant that will most likely do well.

And yet again: whats the Wii's biggest RPG that it's snagged so far? I can't name one. The DS certainly has had alot of succuess, but that's not the Wii.

 I think Monster hunter 3 and the main FF:CC game can do over 1 mil. Others should do about 500k, which is a good number for JRPGs.

Pokemon BR isn't exactly a great game, but if Nintendo makes a real pokemon RPG like rumours says, it could be a huge seller.

About your last question, i guess Monster hunter 3 and ToS. Oboro Muramasa should be pretty good as well, given that is coming from the same team that made Odin sphere. King's story is being developed by a great list of talents as well.

And perhaps we should count Zelda TP as one of Wii's RPG :) according to Miyamoto/Nintendo its an RPG after all 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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if only atlus made persona 4 for 360... i can only wish

Lost tears of Kain said:
Kasz216 said:
Seriously... why are action RPGs and Regular RPGS and Strategy RPGS lumped together on this site?

Action RPGS have more in common with Zelda games then they do "normal" RPGs.

Do you mean western rpgs, Strategy rpgs, and Japanese rpgs?

They are all in the RPG catagory


They don't deserve to be though.  Action RPGs. (which i guess you consider Western RPGS?) are just Action/Adventure games where the developer decided to go the extra mile.  There is almost no difference between them and games like Zelda.

When talking about the best RPGs on a system, Action RPGs and Regular RPGS should definitly be different categories.

Ari_Gold said:
if only atlus made persona 4 for 360... i can only wish

I'm surprised they arn't crossplatforming their Shin Megami and Persona games.  I'm hoping they are getting a boost from Sony like the Final Fantasys did on the PS1. (except i'm hoping their quality doesn't dip.)

Considering how niche their market tends to be i'm surprised they comitted their money like that.  I mean, it's nowhere near guranteed that their audience bought PS3s or will have PS3s. 

atlus is a great developer i hope 360 owners buy there games

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Kasz216 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Kasz216 said:
Seriously... why are action RPGs and Regular RPGS and Strategy RPGS lumped together on this site?

Action RPGS have more in common with Zelda games then they do "normal" RPGs.

Do you mean western rpgs, Strategy rpgs, and Japanese rpgs?

They are all in the RPG catagory


They don't deserve to be though.  Action RPGs. (which i guess you consider Western RPGS?) are just Action/Adventure games where the developer decided to go the extra mile.  There is almost no difference between them and games like Zelda.

When talking about the best RPGs on a system, Action RPGs and Regular RPGS should definitly be different categories.

No actually action rpgs (oblivion, mass effect, White knight) are RPGS, they contain the exact same things in JRPG, just are action based.

What games are action based to you, cause all the games weve listed can be listed as RPG (except maybe fall out?)

Zelda could almost be, but Link doesnt lvl up, doesnt really get new equipment, doesnt really change as a character as much. If you count Zelda a RPG, then so is bioshock =/

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
endurance said:
atlus is a great developer i hope 360 owners buy there games

 developer and publisher.... and yes.. 360 owners should buy their games... 

Kasz216 said:
Seriously... why are action RPGs and Regular RPGS and Strategy RPGS lumped together on this site?

Action RPGS have more in common with Zelda games then they do "normal" RPGs.

It's the stats and number crunching that groups them together, as they all have roots in tabletop games, while Zelda has roots in playing around in backyards. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Lost tears of Kain said:
Kasz216 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Kasz216 said:
Seriously... why are action RPGs and Regular RPGS and Strategy RPGS lumped together on this site?

Action RPGS have more in common with Zelda games then they do "normal" RPGs.

Do you mean western rpgs, Strategy rpgs, and Japanese rpgs?

They are all in the RPG catagory


They don't deserve to be though.  Action RPGs. (which i guess you consider Western RPGS?) are just Action/Adventure games where the developer decided to go the extra mile.  There is almost no difference between them and games like Zelda.

When talking about the best RPGs on a system, Action RPGs and Regular RPGS should definitly be different categories.

No actually action rpgs (oblivion, mass effect, White knight) are RPGS, they contain the exact same things in JRPG, just are action based.

What games are action based to you, cause all the games weve listed can be listed as RPG (except maybe fall out?)

Zelda could almost be, but Link doesnt lvl up, doesnt really get new equipment, doesnt really change as a character as much. If you count Zelda a RPG, then so is bioshock =/


Which is why I don't consider them RPGS. Nor do I consider Action RPGS RPGS. 

I consider them Action Adventure games with RPG traits.  The core gameplay is what should be what places it in a genre... and Action RPGS play more like Zelda then they do traditional RPGs.

Look at modern sports games.  You "level up" in those.  Nobody calls them Sports RPGs.  Even games like Power Pros where you can even equip items.

LordTheNightKnight said:
Kasz216 said:
Seriously... why are action RPGs and Regular RPGS and Strategy RPGS lumped together on this site?

Action RPGS have more in common with Zelda games then they do "normal" RPGs.

It's the stats and number crunching that groups them together, as they all have roots in tabletop games, while Zelda has roots in playing around in backyards. 

World of Warcraft's roots are a bunch of Real Time Strategy games.  World of Warcraft is still an MMORPG not a Real Time Strategy game.

Games should be grouped by their gameplay.