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Forums - Sales Discussion - F.A.D.E.: WiiWare grows 30% in 2009, VC declines 25%, Top 10 sales

psrock said:
FADE LLC estimates 2009 revenue exceeded $100 million USD for Arcade titles alone, not including downloadable content, community games, or games on demand

Arcade titles would be XBLA.  The WiiWare & VC figures also don't include DLC.

I also doubt Xbox Originals (criminally underserved imo!) or Indie Games are bringing much in.  Games on Demand might be though.

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I think Nintendo is more interested in growing the DD marketplace for third parties. That's why VC releases have been slow, and especially new Nintendo games on VC. It's a strategic decision to attract new developers to Nintendo platforms rather than just earn more money off of old games. They want to draw in fresh talent and ideas and get them comfortable with Nintendo hardware and market ideas. Every VC release draws attention and money away from new developers on WiiWare.

So if FADE is accurate, World of Goo has made 2D Boy returns of $32 per dollar of original investment in the NA Wii market alone. Then you can stack on PC sales and other regions. No wonder there's a gold rush on DD platforms. The potential returns, even just for two dudes with a great idea and some experience, are staggering.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

jarrod said:
psrock said:
FADE LLC estimates 2009 revenue exceeded $100 million USD for Arcade titles alone, not including downloadable content, community games, or games on demand

Arcade titles would be XBLA.  The WiiWare & VC figures also don't include DLC.

I also doubt Xbox Originals (criminally underserved imo!) or Indie Games are bringing much in.  Games on Demand might be though.

How many DLC titles does the Wii have?


 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
jarrod said:
psrock said:
FADE LLC estimates 2009 revenue exceeded $100 million USD for Arcade titles alone, not including downloadable content, community games, or games on demand

Arcade titles would be XBLA.  The WiiWare & VC figures also don't include DLC.

I also doubt Xbox Originals (criminally underserved imo!) or Indie Games are bringing much in.  Games on Demand might be though.

How many DLC titles does the Wii have?


Paid dlc?  Not many, and mostly music games (Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Samba de Amigo, etc) or WiiWare games (FFCC, Space Invaders, etc).  Tales of Graces has costume packs and random stuff too... dunno what else?  Most retail Wii games with dlc tend to give it way for free (Mario Kart, Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, etc).

famousringo said:
I think Nintendo is more interested in growing the DD marketplace for third parties. That's why VC releases have been slow, and especially new Nintendo games on VC. It's a strategic decision to attract new developers to Nintendo platforms rather than just earn more money off of old games. They want to draw in fresh talent and ideas and get them comfortable with Nintendo hardware and market ideas. Every VC release draws attention and money away from new developers on WiiWare.

While I agree this is Nintendo's reasoning (and this is expressly why DSi didn't launch with it's own VC), I still feel there's a terribly missed opportunity here.  Retro services have almost always been handled badly, VC was really the best effort we've had so far but Nintendo's let it basically drop off.  And not even for lack of their own games, they're basically holding back a significant supply of 3rd party content too.  

Treating VC and WW as directly competitive is the wrong view too imo, the content served is differentiated enough and really serves different audiences too.  The real problem with WiiWare is that it's stacked with shovelware and the barrier of entry too high for most truly "indie" devs (who stick to PC).... it's more become a dumping ground for mobile devs.  If it had better content, it'd get better sales.  Kneecapping VC in response is shortsighted, harms larger partners (like Sega, Hudson, Capcom, Square Enix, Namco Bandai, Lucasarts, etc), and long term will only do Nintendo's downloadable games services more net harm than good.


I'm excited for Game Room, largely because if it's a success, it could light a fire under Nintendo's ass....

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Has FADE produced anything that later turned out to be accurate? I only ask this because of how brutally off their released iphone data was. I mean, tracking DD markets has to be incredibly hard, I just want some sort of evidence that numbers FADE produce are reliable before discussing them.

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@jarrod: I agree. WiiWare titles should be expected to compete with the past.

But I think both of them are kind of going nowhere because the audience and market for downloadable games is tiny! And I think the problem there is the complexity, there are many barriers (internet connectivity, payment methods, even awareness). Each one has to be dealt with.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

ameratsu said:

Has FADE produced anything that later turned out to be accurate? I only ask this because of how brutally off their released iphone data was. I mean, tracking DD markets has to be incredibly hard, I just want some sort of evidence that numbers FADE produce are reliable before discussing them.

Aren't they affiliated with VGC?  I thought their XBLA estimates were considered "on the mark" at least?

What a god awful website they have...

wow da thunkit that VC+WW > XBLA...