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Forums - Sales Discussion - 5.6 million PS3 sold according to Sony

Who's undertracking now? Can we end all the talk of VGC underestimating sales in Mongolia or wherever? Yes, I'm talking to you Diomedes.

PS3 Celebrates its First Birthday, 5.6 Million Sold

Sony's little baby turns one. The PS3 has been crawling along, but can it walk or maybe even run? Sony is still aiming for 11 million units sold this fiscal year with 160 new games.

Sony today is celebrating the PlayStation 3s' first anniversary. The console has certainly had its fair share of difficulties thanks to high price points and a lack of "killer apps." Following the launch of the $399 model, business is already on the up and up, according to Sony Chairman Howard Stringer.

According to Sony, the PS3 has now sold 5.6 million units worldwide, 2 million of which have been purchased in North America. The company's worldwide sales goal for next March remains 11 million units. Sony also noted that year to date sales of PS3 in Japan and EMEA outsold Xbox 360 by three-to-one.

In terms of software, 28 million PS3 software units have been sold across the globe, seven million of which were sold in North America. A total of 160 new PS3 titles are expected to be released this fiscal year, including 19 exclusives from first and third party. A total of 23 third parties are creating content for the PS3.

Although the trend for the last year has been for publisher to create Xbox 360 SKUs and then port to PS3, Sony claims this is now starting to reverse: "Developers are now creating games on PS3 and then porting them to other platforms. This shows the strides developers are making in creating content for PS3 and also provides developers with an advantage as it's harder to port from Xbox 360 to PS3. Ubisoft's Haze is the first title to be created on PS3 and ported to Xbox."

Regarding the PS3's PlayStation Network, Sony said there are three million members currently and over 60 million pieces of content have been downloaded. The "average" PS Network user has downloaded 12.3 pieces of content.

Finally, with respect to Blu-ray, Sony made the following points:

# PS3 Blu-ray currently outsells Xbox 360 HD-DVD 9 to 1.
# A recent Blu-ray Disc adoption survey shows that 87% of PS3 users watch Blu-ray movies,
80% of PS3 users have purchased Blu-ray movies and 82% intend to purchase or rent Blu-ray
# Blu-ray titles continue to outsell HD DVD titles by nearly 2 to1 (Home Media Research, a
division of Home Media Magazine).
# There will be more than 450 Blu-ray movies available to PS3 owners this holiday season.

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Good news all around it seems :)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.





Where and when did Sony say this?

It could be a journalist grabbing numbers from old news and running around going 'OMGOMGOMG' again.

I guess that answers the "Is Haze a timed or full exclusive" question.

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How is it bad? Vgc's numbers were off by a little bit. Thats a problem why? The announcment stated they have a ton of games scheduled for release, their ahead in the movie industry, and software sales are picking up. I can't quite pick out the bad...

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Soriku said:
^ Erm... how is this good? VGC has to subtract .15 sales now.

You do realise the 5.6 milion figure comes form Sony's 2Q finicial report? it only covers up to the end of september.

Woot he confirmed Haze for the 360!

I never said it's bad. And I'm pretty sure it's the September 30 sold to retailer number. But Diomedes always freaks out every time there is a press statement. Every time there is the minutest discrepancy, he's always complaining to update the numbers. Even before there is corroborating information.

Wait I thought Sony always releases sold to retailer numbers, have they changed their strategy for press releases?

I wouldn't say its all sunshine, rainbows, and lolipops for Sony since they are still losing money on each PS3 sold and have already bled how many billions?

Still it does seem to be that they might actually succeed in their 'crazy' sacrafice the playstation brand to push blu-ray and reap the liscensing fees plan.