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Forums - Sales Discussion - Analysis of sales (units) and profits (units) of next gen consoles

@Dodece. Yes, that is the point in the analysis. Using those multi platform games to be impartial and reporting the averages to demonstrate the profitability for each game-console. As now, for the developers, the PS3 is a money pit (in general). The PS3 urgently needs to expand its user base.

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


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Agreed, PS3 exclusives are a risky business, as they need to sell at least 400k to 500k to break even. Ported games, on the other hand, only need to sell a fraction of that to be profitable on the new system.

In another article on the site a game dev said it cost about 26mil USD to make a game on the 360/PS3, just thought i would add this.

Grif - and we've seen just as many that have claimed vastly lower prices.

Ie, Gears was $10m USD, Lost Planet and Blue Dragon were $20m. Lost Odyssey was sub-$20m, ect.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Grif - and we've seen just as many that have claimed vastly lower prices.

Ie, Gears was $10m USD, Lost Planet and Blue Dragon were $20m. Lost Odyssey was sub-$20m, ect.

All systems have games with a wide variety of development costs; for example Zack and Wiki probably cost a fraction of what Mario Galaxy cost to develop. The important factor isn't how much it cost to develop, or how much profit a game made, the real important question is what is the return on development; if you're averaging $1 Million in profit off of games which average $1 Million to develop you are doing (far) better than a company that is making $10 Million in profit of of games which average $50 Million to develop.