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Forums - Sony Discussion - How far would you go for love?


How far would you go for love?

Nothing 22 17.89%
Give up all my possessions 10 8.13%
Give up my body 5 4.07%
Give up my own life 51 41.46%
Take someone else's life 20 16.26%
Other (specify) 15 12.20%

God damn, the music in Heavy Rain is epic.

Interesting choice of questions. I think I would rather give up my own life then kill another given the choice.

If killing another was the only way though, I would do it in an instant.


Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
What was your main inspiration for this thread?

All the Heavy Rain ads that are popping up on VGChartz, asking me "How far would you go?"

Bumping to hype up Heavy Rain =P

Depends on how important the person is.

id commit a terrorist act against my own country for love :)

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Around the Network
Pyramid Head said:
id commit a terrorist act against my own country for love :)

I really hope you don't live in America because this country isn't worth it.

Akvod said:

Words needed: 誘招

TV: Are you willing to suffer in order to save your son?

Within 5 minutes, please cut off one finger from the base of your hand

Serial killings occuring in a small town 誘招

The victims that suddenly dissapear into the sound of the rain

Boy (Sean?): Hurry up and lets go!

Boy 2: Daddy where are you?

Ethan: What's wrong Sean?

Sean: Nothing really

Ethan: Sean!

A son that disappeared

Reporters: Is it true that your son dissapeared? Is he still alive? Mr. Mars!

How far can love go...

Ethan: Look Sean... in life there are some things you simply can’t avoid...

How far can people be forgiven..

Even if you didn't wish for it.

Norman: Norman Jaydon, FBI

Shelby: Your idiot son killed that child! He’s the origami killer!

Man: No! No, you’re wrong!

The motive of the killer is...

Mars: In this world there are those who drive and those who are driven

I’m neither one of them

Shelby: I’m trying to save your child's life!

Man: I may be wrong, but it's still my child

The truth hidden within the origami

Who is the serial killer?

Paige (?): Destiny is a cruel thing

You can never know what would have happened if you made a different choice

Ethan: You’re insane, you’re fucking insane!

Police: A gun! Fire!

Ethan: SEAN!!!!

TV: You have three minutes, and thirty seconds left

Sean: Daddy, promise me you won’t leave me alone again

 Any thoughts on the trailer?

As this is all hypothetical, you left out the most important option: selling your soul to the devil. (i.e. the soul and the devil are hypothetical entities taken as being real for the purposes of this thread). All the other options are only limited in effect, selling your soul is everything. You could say killing someone else is selling your soul, but it's not an explicit pact of giving away your Self with the dark one, it's merely a permanent scar which can never be healed or erased.

I could not kill someone else (being an innocent 3rd party) to save another (or myself). Basically it's a losing calculus to do it. You might think it's a zero sum game (might as well have the person you don't know / know the least die because someone's going to die anyway), but the long term emotional and psychological outcome is worse if you do the killing, instead of the sadistic psychopath doing the killing. I'd be willing to lose a body part or suffer for another, just don't ask me to do the cutting, I'd even do it for a total stranger if it meant my hand vs. their life. Actually, if the maniac tries to lay the burden of decision on me by saying I get to decide whether I die or some other person dies then I'd choose to die every time, regardles of who the other person is. Or rather I would hope I had the courage to follow what I think is the right thing to do. If it's between my loved one and the psycho-maniac who is putting my loved one in a life threatening situation then the psycho-maniac will lose every time.

Ultimately it's not love for another that would motivate me, it's love for myself. I love myself too much to allow myself to be an agent of misery to another innocent party. I would rather suffer the anguish of losing a loved one by my own choice than cause others to suffer exactly the same anguish of losing a loved one when they had no say in the matter.

Even considering the scenario where there is no psycho maniac trying to manipulate your morality e.g. an accident scene with 2 people trapped in a car that's sinking under water . One is someone you love the other is someone you don't know / don't know well. My instinct would be to save the one I love. But if I had time to consider it I would first save the other, then hope there was time to save the one I love. Again I would rather suffer through my actions than cause someone else to suffer through my actions. I think the happiness created in the loved ones of the person I save would be greater than the grief suffered by myself and others at the loss of the one I love.

Of course this attitude is helped by the fact that I don't believe physical death is the end, only a transition.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


binary solo said:
As this is all hypothetical, you left out the most important option: selling your soul to the devil. (i.e. the soul and the devil are hypothetical entities taken as being real for the purposes of this thread). All the other options are only limited in effect, selling your soul is everything. You could say killing someone else is selling your soul, but it's not an explicit pact of giving away your Self with the dark one, it's merely a permanent scar which can never be healed or erased.

I could not kill someone else (being an innocent 3rd party) to save another (or myself). Basically it's a losing calculus to do it. You might think it's a zero sum game (might as well have the person you don't know / know the least die because someone's going to die anyway), but the long term emotional and psychological outcome is worse if you do the killing, instead of the sadistic psychopath doing the killing. I'd be willing to lose a body part or suffer for another, just don't ask me to do the cutting, I'd even do it for a total stranger if it meant my hand vs. their life. Actually, if the maniac tries to lay the burden of decision on me by saying I get to decide whether I die or some other person dies then I'd choose to die every time, regardles of who the other person is. Or rather I would hope I had the courage to follow what I think is the right thing to do. If it's between my loved one and the psycho-maniac who is putting my loved one in a life threatening situation then the psycho-maniac will lose every time.

Ultimately it's not love for another that would motivate me, it's love for myself. I love myself too much to allow myself to be an agent of misery to another innocent party. I would rather suffer the anguish of losing a loved one by my own choice than cause others to suffer exactly the same anguish of losing a loved one when they had no say in the matter.

Even considering the scenario where there is no psycho maniac trying to manipulate your morality e.g. an accident scene with 2 people trapped in a car that's sinking under water . One is someone you love the other is someone you don't know / don't know well. My instinct would be to save the one I love. But if I had time to consider it I would first save the other, then hope there was time to save the one I love. Again I would rather suffer through my actions than cause someone else to suffer through my actions. I think the happiness created in the loved ones of the person I save would be greater than the grief suffered by myself and others at the loss of the one I love.

Of course this attitude is helped by the fact that I don't believe physical death is the end, only a transition.

Eh, see, first you were talking about morality and a bit of religion, but then at the end, now you sound utilitarian.

Screw the net utility and happiness that results. All you care about is your loved person being alive and happy, and you assume that the loved person would ultimately be happier if they were saved vs than killed.

So got that? Utility for loved person is greater if they are alive. We are assuming that, and we need to be on the same page.

Now are you willing to do anything? Whether it is causing suffering to yourself, to others, or selling your soul to the devil. All for the desire to make your loved person better off (And we are assuming that all the choices I gave, ultimately would).


Loved person or Your self, others, soul, morality, etc? Which one?