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Forums - Sony Discussion - Jaffe Couldn’t Give a “rat’s arse” About Camera Peripherals.

RVDondaPC said:

Well MS's motion control tech doesn't use a controller and Sony has already had motion control with it's standard controller since the launch of the PS3 so... I don't see what you're barking about. All I'm saying is that motion controls wont replace the need for many buttons and analog sticks. It may be added, bundled, or hybrided, or whatever creative thing they come up with but to think it will just make the traditional control mechanics of using your fingers become secondary you will be mistaken. 


Then we're going to have to agree to disagree. At the beginning of this generation I would consider myself a 'hardcore' gamer, but so many fun new games have come out using motion control that couldn't be accomplished using traditional button-schemes, I now seriously dislike playing non-motion controlled games.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

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Is it the idea of speaking directly to the customer or selling directly to the customer with them getting no physical product that excites Jaffe (and almost all other developers)?

While everyone is focused on the controller wars, the real issue is the devaluation of possession by digital distribution. You can play it, but you cannot transfer it. Thus you are really paying for a perpetual license rather than ownership, if you think about it. I don't mind this for smaller games, but not for full retail items.

Mike from Morgntown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


binary solo said:
RVDondaPC said:
Why would Jaffe say Arse? He's American...

That's the most inciteful comment of the thread so far.

@Rol: You've gone down in my estimation, Singstar is GREAT I tells ya. Although if you are playing it solo, unless you're a tweeny girl, then there is something a little sad about that picture.

I don't know it doesn't seem very complaint inducing to me.

Seriously though, some americans say Arse a lot... when they don't want to be as crass and say Ass.

It isn't seen as poorly over here.

Though, Jaffe isn't one who shys away from being crass.

iLLmaticV3 said:
Showertea said:
Yes, that's what the world needs, more digital distribution. That's why the DSi, with its camera and microphone, is tanking, and the PSP Go, with its digital distribution, is selling like hotcakes.

LMAO! Post of the Month!

That was what I was thinking.

To be fair, the PSP go is charging more for what is essentially less features... also it's the PSP which is just less popular then the DSI.