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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would you buy Dungeon Keepr if they released a new game?


Would you buy Dungeon Keepr if they released a new game?

A. Yes 13 43.33%
B. No 2 6.67%
C. What is Dungeon Keeper? 8 26.67%
D. Anyone who votes "C" should be slapped 7 23.33%

I voted for C... Now somebody bitch slap me ?

Around the Network
vlad321 said:
Warning, the following may cause you to strangle chickens:

Damn you! You dirty apes! Damn you all to heck!

rocketp ig said:
vlad321 said:
Warning, the following may cause you to strangle chickens:

To quote Darth Vader:


Yes please - that would be great to see! Loved 1 and 2.

Rhonin the wizard said:
vlad321 said:
Warning, the following may cause you to strangle chickens:

Damn you! You dirty apes! Damn you all to heck!

Surprisingly funny cause I was watching PLanet of the Apes as I was reading that.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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