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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

I'm not sure what to think about Heavy Rain's graphics. Playing the demo it looked great but not like totally insane. Then I went and watched a gameplay vid they put up on PSN and it looks far more impressive. Is the demo an old build, I wonder?

I survived the Apocalyps3

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I've been hearing people talk this game up for years, and it looks like ass. Pay your $60 for this trash, go ahead. I'll be laughing at you until the 360 is as old as the NES, and by that point everyone will have forgotten this mess. Me? I'd rather wipe my ass with the money than pay for what I'm seeing in these pics.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

If I remember correctly Pelaaja magazine said that tomorrow Alan Wake previews embargo will end. If it's true there probably will be much new info about Alan Wake available for us.



Damn! I didn't remember correctly. It was today when preview embargo did end

Daffy said:
If I remember correctly Pelaaja magazine said that tomorrow Alan Wake previews embargo will end. If it's true there probably will be much new info about Alan Wake available for us.

Considering that an "embargo" on information usually means "our game is crap," I wouldn't hold to high of an expectation.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

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omg this game, it has a chance to beat ME2 as the game of the year...

Then embargo ends AFTER game release. Not 3. months before release

It can be something as simple as that they promised exlusive time for some publisher or they did want that all medias release info at same time. Also it can be releated to X10 event. It's quite possible that Pelaaja had same material, than showed in X10, much before that event and MS didn't want to lose WOW effect by letting Pelaaja release that before X10 event.

naznatips said:
selnor said:
Carl2291 said:
Another one of these threads? Seriously?...

Only one of those is gameplay. And even that one is blurry. I could post some better looking FFXIII cutscenes if im being honest...

It seems that your whole purpose from this thread is to wind up PS3 fans. I think it's pretty obvious from some of your posts here to random people.

Every month a new game has the best graphics ever. And every month a whole bunch of people disagree with you, and laugh at you. Even 360 fans are getting tired of your threads...

You think 360 fans are tired?

I get so so many PM's asking me for new threads. Asking me to turn the tide of this ones sided website. ( Not my words actual PM's to me ).

If anything I cant keep up with these guys on VGChartz.

As for threads. PS3 fans need to grow up. They post a PS3 exclusive thread about best graphics on consoles and noone bats an eyelid, because it's a huge sony orientated site. But they all of a sudden cant handle it when the 360 pumps this out. In fact 360 is embarrising PS3 graphically this year.

No, he's right. It's great that you support the console you like, but stop waging some silly war. Be enthusiastic without being condescending, and please be realistic. You clearly are not someone who spends much time following the advancement of graphics, and that's fine. Not everyone has to understand every minutia about what makes one game more graphically advanced than another, but you keep making threads with absolute statements that look ridiculous, when you can't possibly identify the graphical effects that you would need to back up your claim. You're spawning list wars and silly screenshot comparisons between people who will never change their mind and don't understand what they're arguing about anyway.

On the topic of the game, it has incredible atmosphere and lighting. It's not the top of console graphics from a technical standpoint.

+ over 9000!!! for you naznatips.

Ontopic: It looks very good, i think this game is gonna be awesome, but i still think god of war 3 looks better (for now dundunduuuuun)


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