megaman79 said: The number of people who would be very upset is shocking.
Even if you just bought a Wii who cares, every PS3 owner was upset about it. They still sold tons of PS3 slims.
Arguing about getting maximum value out of the graphics is redundant, 3rd parties don't give a shit. Wouldn't you actually prefer something they do care about?
Well some people are upset for different reasons. If a Wii HD came out with a redesign, and more features, now that I think about it its not a bad idea. Sort of like how the DSi was an upgrade compared to the original DS system. The Wii HD could be marketed toward more mature gaming audiences and Nintendo could partner with 3rd parties to get games like Assassins Creed, COD, etc ported to Wii HD. They could also include Harddrives for download content, faster proccesors for better online gaming and many people would be perfectly fine with that. And that way the HD wouldnt have to compete with Wii so people who dont want hardcore gaming and is just looking for a casual experiece, could always opt out and choose the cheaper Wii and be happy. Its a win/win situation for Nintendo and it will help to win them back some 3rd party support.