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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect 3 plans to start soon

BioWare's Cho: Mass Effect 3 plans to start soon



Friday, 18 Dec 2009 - 16:02PM

BioWare's lead technical artist Adrien Cho has revealed that early plans for pre-production will soon start for the third Mass Effect game,

even though the second hasn't been released yet. Speaking to VideoGamer, Cho said;

Right now the team's still working on finishing the game. But we've also migrated to working on all the downloadable content. That's our next focus.

And then a select team of people have, as they get back next week, will start envisioning the very early pre-production phases of Mass Effect 3… oh sorry, the Mass Effect trilogy.


Cho has been answering many questions in interviews for multiple videogame sites, including one in which he stated that he is not worried about the competition

of other highly anticipated games in Q1 2010. 

Mass Effect 2 will be released in January 2010 for the Xbox 360 (and PC). We'll bring you any news updates regarding the game.



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its EA , what did you expe...
wait why start so soon? , what about Dragon Age ? didn't they say Origins means its the first game?
i guess it didn't sell well

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

They'd better! The second game was almost devoid of a main storyline. The focus was completely on the characters. It was good, but it didn't have a satisfactory ending. And I want to return to the game soon. So. Work quickly, Bioware!

This is invisible text!

I'd rather have Mass Effect 3 over KOTOR 3 any day. Not that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic isn't a great game...

This is invisible text!

KOTOR over mass effect

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Killergran said:
They'd better! The second game was almost devoid of a main storyline. The focus was completely on the characters. It was good, but it didn't have a satisfactory ending. And I want to return to the game soon. So. Work quickly, Bioware!

You finished it already?  That's . . . that's kinda sad.  It took up a good 6-7 hours of my day today (and I really shouldn't have done that), but I know I've only scraped the surface.  And I look forward to getting as much out of the game as possible.  The first game felt MORE than filling to me because I spent around 40 hours on my first playthrough and did it nice and gradually over about 2 weeks (wasn't working at the time so those were some long days).

Different strokes for different folks, but games like this are usually more enjoyable when you take the time to really let it soak in mmm mmm good.